level 70

  1. TheDruidMan

    Level 70 DK Solo Tindral Sageswift

  2. Debating on leveling my 70 twink DK (Cataclysm)

    Hey everyone, I have a question that im struggling with internally. I have a level 70 twink death knight I made during WotLK Classic, and demolished level 80's during the time. I spent way too much gold, and lots of my time min-maxxing the absolute hell out of him. So i have some gear i worked...
  3. Sold

    most of the items have sold removing ad
  4. EU+US Level 70 Engineering (Goblin or Gnomish)?

    Hi Friends, im a level 70 rogue with Cataclysm engineering. i feel lucky :) whats Best. Gnomish Engineer - VS - Goblin Engineer ??
  5. MaliwanCEO

    US 70 Twink Ranged DPS... HELP!

    So i want to finally join the level 70 twink bracket again. I used to have a ele shaman twinked at 70 and it was AMAZING! Are they still a solid ranged pick for BG's? Right now im in a toss up for ele shaman or maybe fire mage. All opinions are welcome! Ohhhhhh also, I am alliance on...
  6. Alistania

    NA/EU - 60-80 Twink BiS Spreadsheet (PvE)

    Greetings! I tried to find a website somewhere that would let me input gear and gems and see the effects without having to do it in game...but I could not find one for twink levels. So I made one. The following link is to a Google Spreadsheets Doc I made that you can use to do calculations...
  7. AtieshBipsi

    EU+US <Set Back> Guild Recruitement

    The Basics We're currently seeking new Members with the interest of joining the Level 70 Bracket hosted with Burning Crusade Geared PvP, PvE & Social Events. <Set Back> & our Level 60 Alliance counter-parts named <Deck Me Out> Also provide events for the 60 Bracket here on the Argent Dawn EU...
  8. Torntorn

    US <Karazhan Chess club> 70 Raiding - Sargeras

    We are currently looking for active players for our team 2! Some friends and I have decided to make our own 70 progression raiding guild. We will have a 10 person raid size cap to ensure the content will be fun and challenging. We have alot of raiding experience and are looking for some skilled...