level 50

  1. zazzyfraz

    Roll call

    we're 4 days out from lvl 50 bracket officially becoming an xp-on twink bracket are you going to play a level 50 BfA/battlechest account lvl 50 BG "twink"? what faction and region will you be playing 50? Poll is attached, multiple answers enabled. post an armory if you feel like it. if...
  2. Elkiva

    EU WTB - Morlune's Bracer - 200k Ravencrest Alliance

    I'm looking to buy Morlune's Bracer on Ravencrest Alliance (EUROPE) for 200k Gold :)
  3. Elkiva

    EU I'm looking for Battleground friends...

    So... The reason I've made this post is because I'm almost constantly running Battlegrounds on my own "Sucks to be me..." So the point of this post is simple, does anyone want to do Battlegrounds with me? I'm well geared and know what I'm doing! I'm trying to farm my BIS gear from crates...