legacy thirty wow

  1. TheDruidMan

    Level 30 Twinks vs Sunwell Plateau | Patch 11.0.5

  2. Metroid

    Legacy 30 Lvl 30 Dungeon Tourney Announcement

    So I'm going to repost this as one clear and concise reference for people for the tournament we are holding on June 29th and 30th. I'll word it so It's straight forward and Accurate. I'm sorry it took me so long. Level 30 exp locked on Retail WoW only. You must be in this Discord server to...
  3. doodihealz

    Legacy Thirty recruiting 30s

    Legacy Thirty is looking for more level 30 members for PVP and PVE content. We're about to hit our 2 year anniversary and have no plans to go away. Our discord size is currently over 400 members! We do dungeon tournaments with gold payout as well as PVP tournaments for gold payout. We do raids...