
  1. DoogieTwink

    Take it up with Blizzard, not me.

    I'm just playing the game as intended /shrug
  2. Germinus


    Post your faw memes here. Remember to follow faq. I saw no rule against this. Lets light up our days.
  3. Donor

    fav comic

    4 me its Tom Segura the content of his standup and podcast always delivers subject matter is usually relevant 2 how bout u whos ur fav comedian
  4. DeLindsay

    Blizz Forum Police, since when?

    In the ~9 years I've played WoW on and off I've never had a single issue with speaking my mind on the Official Forums. Hell I've never even received a reply from a Blue quoting anything I wrote to warn me not to continue... Until today lol. I've gotten my first ever 24 hour Forum Ban for...