
  1. Dragonflight Expansion slated for Dec. 2022 Release Date, Pre-Orders Available

    Dragonflight Expansion Now Available for Pre-Order (rel. Dec 2022) Looks like the expansion is finally getting an Official-ish release date of December 2022, this year. Pre-orders available here: https://us.shop.battle.net/en-us/product/world-of-warcraft-dragonflight Collector's edition here...
  2. Eleannor

    PTR Our own Shadowlands Alpha Q&A

    So, I was luckily called to test the Shadowlands Alpha! If any of you want to ask something, I will check if any changes were made and try to post screenshots to proof it. 1. Classes 2. PvP 3. Zones & Dungeons 4. Professions, Riding and Items in General 5. Tech 6. Other 7. Lists of...