blackvenom blade

  1. Speratic

    Speratic's Sale Thread! Lv. 19 Boomstick, Lv. 19 Blade of Hanna + so much more!

    US only! Mounts: Reins of the Spectral Tiger (Blue) Captured Dune Scavenger Minion of Grumpus Reins of the Terrified Pack Mule Reins of a Tamed BloodFeaster Swift Lovebird Swift Springstrider Rarest Items for Sale! Lv. 2 Feathermoon Headdress (2 agi, 2 stam, 2 spell power) (Ilv. 6) Lv. 3...
  2. rrr

    EU WTS Blackvenom blade 29 epic

    Looking to sell/trade my bvb lvl 29 purple version its 13 agility and 41ilvl (5.8 damage per second) Its currently on a russian server (Alliance)
  3. rrr

    EU bvb 29 purple

    Does anyone know the price of Blackvenom blade 29 purple version 13ag, 41ilvl Thinking about selling mine.
  4. swaggodtko

    EU+US My quest for Bvb

    I have been farming a bit so I will making this thread to post each unboxing. Fist 1000 or so
  5. DetErMegJostein

    EU Hunt for BvB

    Hello again everyone :) I used to have a thread about doing stockades pick pocket runs, quite a little while back, and I have decided to pick it up again, in the hunt for the Blackvenom Blade. I was impressed with Brilliant's farmthread for it to see if it could scale to lvl 19, and be epic...
  6. AxiomDK

    US WTB Level 29 Blackvenom Blade

    Looking to purchase a level 29 Blackvenom Blade. If you know anybody who has one, or you have one yourself send me a PM on Discord. Also comment to let me know you sent one as well just incase im on my phone. You may also PM me ingame if im on any of my toons (you can find their names in my...
  7. Manadrainqt

    EU Blackvenom blade and hotshot pilots

    Selling Blackvenon Blade on frostmane alliance Also selling hotshot pilots gloves on Grim Batol Alliance Payment methods, paypal or gold