29 gear

  1. ISO - 29 Warrior Guide

    Hey Guys!!! I am new to the site, but I have been into Twinks since BC. I recently made a 29 warrior FC 29 as well as an arms set. I have found a lot of different guides for gear, but absolutely no in-depth guides for anything besides gear (which the gear guides are all over the place). I’m...
  2. US Questions For 29 Twink Druid?

    Hey all! couple questions: 1. Is it better to make a 29 twink or a 20 twink? What's the balance details on this? Seems like even people that pay for the game are making lvl 20 twinks instead? 2. What is the absolute best in slot gear for a balance druid for 20-29 bracket? have about 1mil gold...
  3. eyloiw

    14th Anniversary Items

    Assuming the bosses drop items for characters under level 60, this is what some of the items will look like when scaled for a level 29.
  4. AxiomDK

    29 Outlaw Gear

    Greetings, my name is Axiom. Back in mist of pandaria i used to twink a 70 druid, but i have now taken up the 29 Bracket as an Orc Outlaw Rogue. My armory link will be below but I am looking for recommendations on the best Pvp Twink Gear. Currently I do not have Gnomish or Goblin Enginerring but...
  5. Nicozy

    29 disc gear/enchant help

    Just looking for some good armory for 29 disc with obtainable bis. Also what leg enchant for boe pants? thanks in advance bfa gearing got me fucked up. feel free to add all your wisdom regarding gearing/consumable shit