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  1. Getting LFD groups to do Serra Kis

    Thanks for that kind offer. I'm on EU Eonar though so it's unlikely your chars are on the same realm.
  2. Getting LFD groups to do Serra Kis

    Ally. I have a horde one too with these bracers but I suppose I was lucky the first time I got it. Thanks for the tips guy, some good ideas there.
  3. Getting LFD groups to do Serra Kis

    I'm gearing up a rogue and I need to get the bracers from Serra Kis in BFD. Every group that I join usually just wants to skip. I ask nicely and even set a raid target icon on him but still they all ignore me and proceed on towards the end of the dungeon. The couple of times I did get groups to...
  4. EU F2Ps that play WSG

    Howdo. I play WSG on my f2p rogue quite often and there's a lot of familiar names that pop up on both sides frequently. Just wondering if anyone else from the EU (non-Aerie peak players) who plays WSG a lot uses this forum?
  5. Rogue and Hunter Boa Priority

    Why Scarlet Kris? It's less damage and minus crit rating. Compared to two x Wicked Dagger. I'm not arguing that it's not better, I honestly don't know, I was going to upgrade to inherited insignia now (for the resi), I have the shoulders and chest. Would I be better off getting the Scarlet Kris...
  6. 24??

    This ^^ There's a 24 Worgen hunter running around in the EU battleground and you can tell by his playstyle that he thinks he's going to gank everyone. Running around the base of the GY alone in the middle of games etc..He is actually soloable by most 20s. There seems to be a huge amount of...
  7. Random thread that probably doesn't interest you

    Got mine this morning too after the same level 85 showed up exactly 12 times when I was there, and he was unhallenged, and all those 12 times in a row he showed up I was trying to get my final trinket. I could have pulled my hair out every time I seen him appearing. I actually celebrated more...
  8. OP Classes @ 24?

    With more and more 24s appearing in BGs in the bracket I think Paladin is your best bet. They're practically unkillable in WSG if played well, Shaman is too is overlooked.
  9. Best rogue spec at 24?

    If you're going to be in wsg a lot I'd definitely say sub because shadowstep is all you have when a hunter disengages. Assasination will get you more overall damage when you're not stealthed so better for dungeons.
  10. 20 Rogue (Horde)

    Wicked Dagger isn't unique equipped so you can have two of them. My suggestion would be to use two of these instead of the heirloom one.
  11. EU Players

    Hi I'm not "here" as such, I just joined 5 minutes ago. I play on Eonar EU horde side and my character name is the same as my TI account name.