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  1. Bring Tupac back!

    Hello Twinkinfo and the twinkinfo Community! I would love to say that you should really unban Tupac from making posts! >_< who ever is with me please post below he is a great person and he really didnt do anything wrong maybe a couple troll posts but who dosnt? you know lol just please make it...
  2. nice tip for people lvling RAF

    It's a RaF glitch with random dungeon finder, when you're partied up with your raf partner, and you queue for random dungeons, the xp received from completing the dungeon is increased due to being in a party with your raf partner, but when the dungeon is completed, instead of giving the xp it...
  3. best 70 war?

    Yep I played a shitload of games, and I have a shitload of losses, but I got my rating up, without a healer comp. Also the link you gave me didn't work, and 5 warriors? Lol, that's an easy comp to beat if anyone in your team has any idea. Also, regardless of who tells me, Fury > Other specs...
  4. best 70 war?

    My rating is sitting just under 1800 on my warrior, and I run with double melee comp, and I only play SMF or titans grip. And any type of druid? If I get a charge off on any type of druid, and pop all cds/etc.. I can nuke them down through their heals, or if it's feral can literally 4 shot it...
  5. best 70 war?

    Fury isn't shit in pvp, I get higher damage than any other warrior in bgs and I play single minded fury or Titans grip.
  6. best 70 war?

    Sitting at 1750 on my warrior in 2s with double melee comp. As SMF can hit arounf 4-8 k crits with everything popped, and hit a 10.5K execute in arathi basin last week(Keep in mind i'm only using S4 main hand and off hand). Also hit a 12.8K crit in a duel with execute.
  7. Real Best of Each Class

    So, who is the best level 70 pvp warrior?
  8. Real Best of Each Class

    So zombie's the best warrior in the 70 bracket? Excellent.