Search results

  1. Mindsets in the 15-19 Community, Satchel Gear, etc..

    prolly never played 2,8k +
  2. EU Blacklist/Buguser

    arkant, u so mean >.<
  3. [EU] selling

    ohai selling
  4. the new TI

    looks like shit. so basically we had to wait 2 days just to see another facebook rip-off design? good job guys, u've been very creative! just give us back the old TI design. all those website trying to be cool when they go all dark and stuff, or blue/white facebook-ish. the...
  5. EU Alliance and the numbers of undergeared twinks

    i'm the best. shut up
  6. EU Alliance and the numbers of undergeared twinks

    i am already terribly bored on horde side, but i go where phone goes, so screw ya all :D