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  1. How to NOT level?

    If I'm reading this right I can buy my XP off turn it back on and get a free level? What's to keep me from leveling an alt this way?
  2. 19 Shaman FC

    Playing a shammy at 19 is pretty horrible right now. If you find some way to make it useful again I'd love to hear it. Somehow I don't think flag carrying is going to be it unless you happen to have a druid healer following you.
  3. 19 Twink Hunter Arcane Shot Crit Record?

    One shotting things take zero skill. Although I suppose the numbers are interesting for some. When I first started playing WoW in '05 the numbers were interesting, but at this point they all feel meaningless. To each his own.
  4. Sham's useless?

    I had the same idea to run around bandaging people. The heals are so horrible now it isn't funny. Earthshield is decent, but it ain't cutting it. Only thing really going for the shammy right now is purge and earthbind and windshear. Those can be fun, but it's certainly not the days of...
  5. Lvl 10 shaman VS Knucklerot and Luzran

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  6. The Insane title available for 39's?

    For some people 200k gold is a drop in the bucket and they could care less what you thought about how they spent their gold. They probably are laughing because you think it's a lot of a gold.
  7. 1copper battered hilt

    Would have been cool when it was actually worth something. I have some tankards of terror I could sell you for real cheap too ;)
  8. WSG or Arena

    Only, and if only it was possible to play more than just the same few teams. The reason WSG works is because random people can be grouped together to have a fun battle. Skirmish arenas were never that popular.
  9. Velvettouch The Insane

    47 Ragnaros kills (Molten Core). 09-Nov-2010 That's almost of a full year of MC resets. I'd say that qualifies as insane.
  10. Region Wide Battlegroup Matching - Final Phase - Completed 11/9

    Hey buddy. Been a while. Should transfer the rogue over Horde side. Hopefully I'll be able to get the 19 guild up and running again. Already started seeing folks log on. I mostly was playing my warrior the past few months, and of course RL keeping me busy too. I'm assuming you...
  11. Region Wide Battlegroup Matching - Final Phase - Completed 11/9

    Saw you on your rogue. You made a really nice dash across the field for a flag cap in a losing WSG. Was the highlight of the BG from my POV.
  12. Region Wide Battlegroup Matching - Final Phase - Completed 11/9

    I'm happy just getting to play again after months of my twink collecting dust. Look forward to meeting more people in the battlegrounds.
  13. Boa Chest VS Current Twink Chest

    Wow there is soooooo much wrong in this post it is amazing. Some of the stupidest shit I ever read. You don't really don't understand the stats at all. The fact that you think crit's can't miss is so stupid it isn't even funny. You just never see a crit miss because what you see is a miss...
  14. LOL wow freakout.

    Really need a caption contest. "My WoW account is canceled and all I have to show for it is this remote control up my ass."
  15. level 10 twinks post 3.2

    Marco It's really nothing to crazy as far as lvl 10s go, but not horrific either. Currently it's not like I have much trouble with the non twinks, but he just doesn't seem to hold his own against someone with half a brain and some decent gear. I've consider stacking haste and giving that...
  16. The new patch = 39's dead?

    I tried to read what you wrote, but I couldn't help but think of the days when I actually had to wait in hour long queues. You know it really isn't so bad. If the only reason you play WoW is for AB or WSG then it doesn't surprise me that your loyalty or interest in the game can change so...
  17. LOL wow freakout.

    I'm guessing his brother and mother must use the remote. Spreading poop on stuff is a good way to get revenge. I know I certainly wouldn't cancel someone's WoW account if I feared that my remote control might touch their asshole.
  18. 19 sham belt

    If you ever played a 19 Shaman you'd know that besides throwing heals and totems we also generally run up to people and melee them. Melee w/ flame tongue does good damage. Throw in flame shocks and earthshocks in between and the shaman becomes not only scary defensively, but also puts tons of...
  19. level 10 twinks post 3.2

    I'm confused how the lvl 10 twink is alive again. I have a lvl 10 twink and it is hard enough in the BGs when the other team is full of twinks. So how is getting stuck in a BG full of 19 twinks going to work out. Sounds painful to me.
  20. BoA items, the death of twinking imo

    Sounds to me like someone is too lazy to fix their computer. I know I didn't break it. Maybe you need to get a job to pay to have it fixed. I'm still not sure why that is my problem. Not everyone can have a Shadowfang and not everyone will have BoA's. I don't see the problem in there being...