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  1. Monday Games

    Yes, lets. :)
  2. Monday Games

    I think some people have every day lives, so this probably won't work. However, I'll be sure to check whenever I'm around! See you next tuesday, be sure to instruct me on CDs.
  3. Monday Games

    Talking to yourself is another symptom, LOL
  4. Hunters lol

    Dude! SWEET! LOL, have fun, I'm going to bed. Need tax dollars to support disability payments funding these WoW accounts. ;)
  5. Hey Ballerz

    Then you were just standing there looking stunned/stupid. Get the sand out of your vag the next time our FC isn't in LoS and up your D. (I took a screenshot in case you were short on spank material.)
  6. Hunters lol

    LOL! Oh no you didn't!
  7. Hey Ballerz

    LOL, nice job CC'ing those rogues while they cheap shot you. :) Where's your OP skillz? Edit: I'd like to add, the next time you're pretending to be confused as to what you may have said to not receive heals it's posts like this. :) You seem to need this directly pointed out. Also, feel...
  8. Hey Ballerz

    They seem to be a father-daughter team, working out of a Chinese restaurant's kitchen when not creating new flavors of toothpaste.
  9. Hey Ballerz

    That was the original plan, but then a couple of idiots from posts above lacked the willpower/ability to do so.
  10. Hey Ballerz

    Geez, 14 is a little old to just hear bad words like those. Also, from the audio recording I was sent, I didn't hear anything of the sort. Lots of mumbling and whining, then what I can only assume to be the brown noise around the time I assume "those two" infiltrated vent and said "hi, it's...
  11. Hey Ballerz

    Right, private messages don't exist. Your motivations are clear and predictable, which is why it's so easy for people to screw with you.
  12. Hey Ballerz

    Nah, I heard she had 30 days of sobriety!
  13. Hey Ballerz

    LOL, this sounds an awful lot like what caused them to receive negative responses from Amy/Kow from the very start. I don't think they're getting the crux, Homer, and they never will.
  14. Hey Ballerz

    Yeah, I've been seeing a lot of "you guys" in reference to idiots, and many of these statements could apply to most people on here. Very confusing. Anyhow, yes, I think we've worked out a good system in BGs. :) If there's ever a FC that I don't feel deserves my efforts, I will (and have...
  15. Hey Ballerz

    See, this is what I've been saying all along. Take it outside, compare offline DPS/penis size already. The winner can buy me dinner.
  16. Hunters lol

    LOL, no one got the drift of when I said to shut the **** up and calm the **** down? Jesus, how clear does it need to be for you Axis IIs?
  17. 29: OG's only thread

    Ahhh, okay, I thought a couple looked familiar but wasn't sure if the rest were separate or one addon. :) (My UI's a little sloppy at the moment.) Thanks!
  18. 29: OG's only thread

    I've been giggling at this all day. :D
  19. Hunters lol

    We could use some flag carriers for Tuesday.
  20. 29: OG's only thread

    LOL, I've seen that in mid-level BGs before. Agreed, though, he doesn't need to spec. What UI is that, BTW?