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  1. Aerie Peak

    To the good old times /ale Q_Q what has my life become
  2. AP History Lesson, Yo or How Earlwing Destroyed F2P

    Cool story, but I feel like it was missing some(one)thing crucial : /
  3. Racail Ability Changes!

    If I remember correctly, the resist racials were being changed to a flat 1% damage reduction to the same school of magic. This was a few months ago, though... On Shadowmeld: it isn't for stealthing up to people like a rogue. You use it as a protective interrupt on things that have cast times...
  4. Our new Zookeeper!

    I refuse.
  5. MoP f2p items

    The racial resistances in this bracket are completely OP. A flat -1% to damage is still effective enough to make the difference between living and dying. I actually would have been okay with their complete removal with no compensation, to be honest.
  6. Hello Saberith

    o sup
  7. MoP f2p items

    The change to spell resistance is a buff to all casters. Assuming racial resistances are also removed, this means AGM / Discerning Eye of the Beast will become BiS and casters no longer need to worry about any damage mitigation or resist chance coming from the cloak enchant or racials. The new...
  8. Screenshot Thread!

    Re: Screenshot Thread! i kin has plz?
  9. Looking to share my F2P characters

    When Radau was doing DMF dailies for me a while back the forced password reset happened quite a few times after we reset it the first time. She was able to log in for about four days, then the password needed to be reset every day after that. No one else was logging into the account but her. I...
  10. Guild Wars 2 Beta Events Sign-Up

    If I give you coffee will you keep the thread here? I don't know why I would want this thread to stay here, btw. I just wanted to make that "joke".
  11. Guild Wars 2 Beta Events Sign-Up

    Are you saying GW2 is akin to poo? o.O
  12. Screenshot Thread!

    Re: Screenshot Thread! Someone's having a Rhaeny day :(
  13. Screenshot Thread!

    Re: Screenshot Thread! I'm Rhaeging so hard right now.
  14. F2P 2v2 Arena Tournament

    Are you guys still playing right now? I think I can get on in a few minutes.
  15. F2P 2v2 Arena Tournament

    I think that by "hunter teams" he means teams with a hunter in it, not teams consisting of all hunters.
  16. So, why did I roll Horde again?

    Wait, you were dropping your queue every five minutes and wonder why it never popped?
  17. Some Ego Stroking - Felix AP

    yo i herd he was aslo usin a laptop mouse & clikd all teh skillz with his face
  18. Ultimate F2P Guide!

    Agreed. A guide should definitely be in the section that it's relevant to. If I'm looking for a guide pertaining to F2P, I don't want to sift through all the other guides on leveling professions, or playing a class in a different bracket or how to press one button on a leve 1 twink. Ctrl + F is...
  19. Stop Reporting Undergeareds AFK

    I haven't played frequently for a couple of weeks now, but I do remember that we informed the 600 hp players that their gear was severely inadequate and provided a link to help them improve it (along with the advise of coming to Aerie Peak) before we kicked them. I understand the distaste for...
  20. Arena's are popping off on AP Horde.

    You guys always stop doing cool stuff just before I log in : /