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  1. <Phoenix> 80lvl world Pvp

    lol u phoenix guys jus got.....BOOM! lawyered.
  2. 80 Pvp Disc Priest ish

    shud i be gettin crit or haste or spirit after mastery?
  3. Vortex Pinnacle and Stonecore avaible for 80s

    lol hes hardly been a douche or moron m8. im actualy transfering to his guild this week bcos hes the most respectful and knowledgable 80 guildleader ive met so far and tht shows in his guilds success
  4. Phoenix

    but why did he quit? i was thinkin wich twink guild i wud transfer to but now this has put doubts in my mind about ur guild m8
  5. Phoenix

    why did ur guild master lvl his twink and change guilds?