Search results

  1. Emil's Brand?

    Test it out, could be interesting.
  2. Looking to create a Ret pally

    Yeah I already have +100 hp on the chest from when I was making a prot warr fc, lol. Also, what are people's thoughts on Helm of Might vs Valor? I'd assume some expertise would be good, but is it worth the crit/hit drop?
  3. Looking to create a Ret pally

    I've heard bad things about ret pallies at max level as well, which makes me think they may get some sort of buff in the near (next couple months) future. I've also never rolled a pala tink before. I'm also not fussed about saving Argas for if I went holy. I'm not keen on fotm classes (says the...
  4. Looking to create a Ret pally

    I'd forgotten about that, cheers for the reminder I haven't created the toon yet so, but i know how/where to grab everything I'd need on Alli side. I guess it could come down to grabbing these new boots instead of the bravo company ring and taking the str/stam argas instead? As for race...
  5. Looking to create a Ret pally

    Not bothered by what kind of state they're in, just fancy playing one after playing a rogue for so long. As you can imagine I'm after gear suggestions. I've checked out Symphonies over in the library, and will likely mirror a lot of their gear. What I'd like to know is what to use seeing as...
  6. MoP BoAs

    Obviously BiS then? edit: Actually, they may be on par/interchangeable with current BiS legs..
  7. MoP Speculation! (wiee)

    I'm thinking with Garrosh being a raid boss (and therefore not in MoP) we will be losing Dread Head Redemption - Quest - World of Warcraft and possibly the chain that leads up to it.
  8. Where did you come from?

    Gromsuruncle 19 Dwarf rogue, Dath'Remar, Blooooooodluuuuusst
  9. Lets Fix Our Bracket

    If it's a Guaranteed kick, then chances are they might bother to check it out.. terrible as it sounds..
  10. Lets Fix Our Bracket

    Putting up a macro saying something like "Have you joined the webs largest 19 twinking community yet? If not, head over to and sign up now, plenty of helpful twinking information, etc. etc." followed by trying your hardest to completely refrain from raging at that 600hp rogue...
  11. We are so lucky..

    Saxx, you're the Chuck Norris level twink <3
  12. Sub rouge wep's

    I don't want to take the thread off the rails (even though it looks like it's served it's purpose), but wouldn't it be a good idea for someone to run a few tests with a parse log using every combination of weps that are suggested? Finally get something written down in stone, rogue guides seem to...
  13. looking for a active level 19 twink guild!

    Might wanna link your armory What class do you play, which serv are you on atm, experience, etc.
  14. Sub rouge wep's

    If you can't get SF's get the BOA Sword and Mace. Or be a hipster and roll boa daggers, or impish blade, stillwaters dagger, keeshans dagger, sentinels blade.. (am I missing any?)
  15. Add-ons / UI set up

    Other twinks on Caelestrasz? I.. I could have a friend? ;_;
  16. Warsong 23rd

    Why not use a tunneling program? I get 150-200 using one. Regardless though, people in the US always seem to evade being ambushed :[
  17. Shadowfang and Dath'Remar (Bloodlust oldies if you are still lurking)

    <-- former dath player before cael, Gromsuruncle back then
  18. AB Saturday?

    I'd be keen for more frequent AB 'Sundays' (i'm oceanic ), it will be a lot easier this patch with the queue place holding system blizz put in. Then maybe if I finally get to do AB at 19, I can join in with the complaining,
  19. Pictures of your new Transmog'd Characters

    Thats a 50dkp+ for class.