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  1. Problem with wpn

    Hi, I have a question. I don't know which wpn will be better for f2p druid healer. I can't choose between Grand Staff of Jordan and The Blessed Hammer of Grace + Eerie Stable Lantern. Staff gives me hit (dnt need it), resil, 42 sp and 11 stam. 1hand + off hand gives me 7 stam, 4 int, 2 spirit...
  2. Where are the Healers needed?

    oh guys think what you want. I dnt wanna quarrel. Maybe only I have a bad luck and have healers in opposite team. Edit i'm talking about healers from all realms who queue bg. You are talking about Aerie Peak? On Aerie Peak more healers in ally.
  3. Where are the Healers needed?

    Maybe you have a bad luck. When I always join bg, there must be a 24 healer with 1-2 pro uber skilled 24 hunters or rogues so... No comment
  4. Where are the Healers needed?

    Both factions need healers but ally more I think. Horde players often join bg on 24 lvl healers. And the game is hard with them. So hmm I'll roll ally. In my opinion shammys are op, but every healer is good enough to play bg/war games. :)
  5. A little mockery

    Ya, the best way is to make 24 hunter and one shot everybody cuz f2p twink pwn me...
  6. 20 armory library

    Ya, good suggestion. My gear is much better for resto. Balance need crit. Thanks :)
  7. 20 armory library

    Delailinda @ Aerie Peak - Game - World of Warcraft Druid resto/balance. You can change that leather head for engi goggles.
  8. Twink Names!

    I've made a resto druid cuz too much hunters on f2p. Delailinda Aerie Peak US Delailinda @ Aerie Peak - Game - World of Warcraft
  9. Anyone else getting dcd while Terrain Exploiting?

    Have the same yesterday.
  10. Twink Names!

    Jaarrol Aerie Peak US Jaarrol @ Aerie Peak - Game - World of Warcraft Add me to friend list.