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  1. Elitist Jerk

    Interesting responses! it's cool to see that people want to WIN but it's so much harder when half your team is pissing and moaning about noobs. or not healing, or 'they have 5 hunters' etc.. I'm sure we all want to win, just seems to happen easier when it's 'us vs them' and not so much 'us vs...
  2. Elitist Jerk

    I agree as well with the point about not just hanging in mid/etc. But the main point I was trying to make, is it's useless to piss and moan about noobs, and then bail from the BG before it gets started. I see a LOT more QQ'ing than anything else in BG chat, and thats messed up. I have a LOT to...
  3. Elitist Jerk

    No, this thread isn't about that website, it's about someone who will remain nameless with a rotten attitude. A few days ago I queued my 19 and as is always the case, you get quite the mix of folks, some very new, some veterans, and usually a bunch of hunters and rogues.. Thats okay, this...
  4. Introduction

    Hey all, I'm Doug from Indiana, I've only been into PVP since last year, previous to that I was all about PVE and raiding. I started out on the Drak'Tharon server and all the ganking kind of put me off PVP in the early days. Since then I've gotten tired of higher level stuff and have been...