Search results

  1. wrist enchant for a mage

    Are you arcane? Are you frost? What does the rest of your set look like? Are you defensive? Are you offensive? What are you trying to accomplish?
  2. 10sta belt 8sta cloak as mage

    Wowhead: OM NOM NOM
  3. Can Waw Tawent keep us?

    Damn that's a lot of damage for 19s... can you give me a char dev of your gear and build plx?
  4. Just wanted everyone to know............

    That's cool turtle, how much did that whole setup cost you?
  5. How is the hunter situation at 19?

    op 10chars
  6. WTB Shadowfang Azgalor (Alliance side)

    Higuyzuhm i dun knu wherthe uhhh... grand exchange forum is i;m new to waw can sum one halp me? Wrong section. Either you didn't know that or your really just trying to get some views on your topic.
  7. Re: "how to revive 19s"

    I'll be seeing you again ;) maybe on horde side with a toon o_O
  8. Re: "how to revive 19s"

    Yo wheres that BiS report that you've been working on?
  9. New playing field?

    I'd for sure create a 20 twink, but I would never BiS 19 twink.
  10. Swag

    Not really sure if you are talking to me... if you are, in all honesty, i'm completely lost.
  11. Swag

    By the way, I'm not quite sure if the Foam Sword is displayed while in the Murloc Transformation... But I will be sure to research the topic
  12. Swag

    Diggin the feedback. Anybody that doesn't like this photo (minus jealousy) is 3/5th's of a person.
  13. Swag

    I'll pencil that in.
  14. Re: "how to revive 19s"

    Trololol Didn't I see you in a WSG earlier Mocha?
  15. Swag

  16. Re: "how to revive 19s"

    He has 26 posts... don't be butthurt, make a new account.
  17. wow vanity items?

  18. Re: "how to revive 19s"

    Now I see why you're banned, you make invalid statements.
  19. Re: "how to revive 19s"

    No matter the faction, activity has decreased. Reason's to WHY it has decreased: (NOTE: This is only a few of the many.) #1: Shizzards garbage ass Que system. 'nuff said #2: Because of the lack of activity, people get bored and explore the World of Warcraft. If you're like me, this means...
  20. Conformity and how to revive 19s.

    Maybe if blizzard's BG system wasn't trash, we could actually have a premade! Wouldn't that just be super? Then players would actually que on 19s and find new comp instead of moving from bracket to bracket due to lack of activity and bordem that has overcame them.