Search results

  1. 70 Mage PvP Guide 4.0

    Gnomish or Goblin engineering? Or does it matter?
  2. 19 FeralDruid

    That said, we are very squishy, so make sure to only take clothies or noobs if you dont have a way to LoS
  3. 19 FeralDruid

    They are very fun. you get 1.5k crits on clothies with 5point ferocious bite.üid/simple
  4. lvl 14 hunter bis gear and best spec

    Sov @ Proudmoore - Game - World of Warcraft
  5. US WTS Sword Of Decay - Jaedenar Alliance.

    How much is the minimum you would go for?
  6. Sword of Decay

    Im trying to buy one if anyone knows someone with it, currently on the uldaman realm. name your price.
  7. Riding Turtle for sale!

    I'm alliance btw, horde can still buy through neutral AH but will need to pay extra for the AH cut.
  8. Riding Turtle for sale!

    Sorry about that =(
  9. Riding Turtle for sale!

    I have a riding turtle for sale on the realm Uldaman, not for usd but for gold. I have already been offered 75k for it, so if you want it, bid below. Send an in-game message to Shaurel (85 DK) and have a nice day! (not xferring btw) I also have Mottled Drake, Black Bear, and Savage raptor...
  10. Frost Mage lf 2s

    My mage's name is Ã…mage, and im looking for a rogue with skill and preferably glaives, or an offencive disc priest. I have previous experience of a 2k rating, and want a skilled player to reach that rating and even higher. Willing to xfer if neccesary, but not prefered. Reply please =)...
  11. Trouble Finding an Alliance Guild

    We are a relatively new guild, with only 8 active twinks on our "A Team", But we would love to check you out! <Never Twenty II> is an Uldaman Alliance side guild, and we would love to have you. Hit me up on Real ID if you are interested, my email is below =) enjoy!