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  1. BiS rogue ?

    I dont understand why you guys would think its fake. I mean its posted on buy Seperation. Why would Seperation lie about him playing with him on LS. Just saying I am betting the only reason Akrios does not post something is couse it will bring to much attention to him and he...
  2. Akrios of is twinking!!

    Lol that post is made buy Seperation wich is another Author of would a friend of Akrios another Author of lie about that
  3. BiS rogue ?

    Lol maybe try going to and type in the search Akrios. If you go to hall of fame on he is rank 2.... He is like one of the best rogues in the world. And he is only 73 couse that was his twink acct. He was a 5time glad.
  4. BiS rogue ?

    No I am just a huge fanboy of Akrios and I know alot of people are so I thought I would let people know that he is playing agian.
  5. BiS rogue ?

    I watched him 1v5 in AV lol its deff Akrios
  6. BiS rogue ?

    Well look at the date of the post Akrios made about the hacking. He would not have posted that and then got hacked he posted that after he got hacked and after he changed on his info. If you look at the date that seperation wrote what he wrote its after. Couse he put like Apr 22, 2011. And...
  7. BiS rogue ?

    Yes Akrios did leave and quit but if you also look at. ICC Rogue Guide Part 2 Lady Deathwhisper | Rogue-Rogue Read the top of the thread he is playing his twink on Laughing skull.
  8. BiS rogue ?

    He told me he was just lvling for a little bit then he will have some of his friends from Blizzard delete his Wotlk expac from his acct. Said he was bored and wanted to also get some footage for a new video.
  9. BiS rogue ?

    Akriios @ Laughing Skull - Game - World of Warcraft That is Akrios of His rogue is has EVERYTHING you should be going for as for gear.
  10. Akrios of is twinking!!

    Hey everyone I saw this post on the other day. Akrios the famous rogue of and many of WCM that we all love actually has a twink and is playing him now. Here is the link he is playing on Laughing skull server horde side name Akriios. ICC Rogue Guide Part 2 Lady...