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  1. Express Your Sexlife With Words From WoW

    "I've got what you need!"
  2. Best Beat Boxing Ever...

    Brilliant stuff! Beardyman is the best though
  3. @ all emberostorm 19's

    heh I've seen Jailbot ninja'ing the Gurubashi trinket out from under the noses of 80's a few times :D So few of us on on Mok'nathal it seems :( Any ally twinks LF guild please /who DDSR or find us on
  4. Pwndepot

    come on guys drop this argument like a hot turd. Just say something like "little Napoleon complex" next time - nobody's grandparents are gonna get upset about that, unless they're French maybe :P
  5. FC guide?

    Yes make a guide! I'd like more tips for PUG strategy etc. I've not yet had the pleasure of a proper organised premade. As my hunter I generally don't carry, but often a gang of us will get to the FR only to mill about with nobody brave enough to go for it, or i might be only one left...
  6. Keyloggers?!

    Try to harden your PC against such nasties. Old news to most I know. If you want to learn what kind of thing the 1337 haxx0r tw@ts get up to read MMOwned. I use this software myself, all free and reasonably low-resource: - Firefox with AdBlocker, NoScript, and Keyscrambler addons...
  7. Hunter Pets

    :confused: Waaaagh! WOTLK gimped my lovely cute vicious piggy!! (yes i've been living under a rock) My boar used to be able to charge a fleeing EFC which was bloody brilliant; now he's flipping useless. I'm still getting my head round the new system. What should I get instead that can...
  8. Male Dwarf or F/M Night Elf hunter?

    Apart from combat reasons, I like my Dwarf huntard cos he has character - Dwarf emotes and voice are much more fun than Nelves. I have great RP-ish fun with mine sometimes and it's probably why I ended up playing him more than my human main and other alts Bloody gnome rogues - step on em...
  9. EU vs. US

    There are a couple advantages to being out of sync with the US, such as avoiding traffic jams for quest mobs and farming. Also on PVP servers it's easier to avoid being ganked into the dust. I changed job role recently, working rotating shifts now so the US/EU time difference doesn't matter...
  10. EU vs. US

    Brit playing on US servers cos... um, when me and my GF were new we didn't realise there were seperate euro servers /facepalm and then we couldn't be arsed to start over, so here we are. I did a trial on a euro server and the lag difference is not nearly as big as I expected...
  11. Introduction

    G'day Bruces! Great site. I'm from the UK but play on US servers, mostly Mok'Nathal. I'm a perpetual noob with loads of alts and no high end toons XD My first and fav twink is Mudgard the esteemed Scots Nutjob and Dwarf Hunter lvl 19. Unfortunately I didn't know anything about twinking...