Search results

  1. Ring Enchants Still Possible At 59?

    I have a 59 that has enchanting as a profession for the ring enchants. However, he can't get into the dungeons necessary to get rep with the Lower City, to get the enchant recipe. Anyone know how to get rep with lower city other than dungeons?
  2. 80 advice

    He said 80.
  3. Should i 80 or 84 twink my Priest

    80 only. Once you get into the BG's and see how the 84's are starting to ruin it, you will understand. And I hope you are Horde. And I hope you daul specc and heal also. I love you. That is all. Goodbye.
  4. 80 best in slots

    Ahhh. Thanks.
  5. 80 best in slots

    Thanks for this topic and thread and thanks to all those that have worked on it. It has helped my warrior tremendously, and I am....almost...done with his upgrades. I did find a mistake, I think, in the Chardev for a Fury warrior. In the shoulder slot is a wrathful piece that shows a...
  6. Cataclysm reputations on 80.

    I just completed all quests in Vashjir on my 80 warrior, which opened the 2 quests in Throne of Tides (and gave me a nice BiS belt). If there are any dailies, I did not find them and it only got me to honored, not exalted. To get to exalted, you would have to quest in Deepholm and/or Twilight...
  7. WTS Shadowfang

  8. WTS Shadowfang

    Bumping for Christmas cheer....and for first page.
  9. Best Level 19 Twink To Make

    Lock, Resto shaman, warrior, priest in that order. Don't listen to the ones that are lying to you. Any of these classes will pwn. Maybe shammy should be first. Yeah, shaman then lock. Although I did see this lock that like, totally destroyed a shammy in WSG once. It was epic.
  10. What do people find most frustrating?

    Trying to gear your toon by running raids and no one will let a 70 into a level 70 raid!
  11. WTS Shadowfang

    Have a Shadowfang on Agamaggan US Server, Horde side. Will put it in neutral AH and I will eat the fees. 50,000 G. Not interested in real money.
  12. Influx of undergeared players?

    This has been happening in other brackets as well. Very noticable a few months ago in the 19's. Undergeared players were getting destoyed in the 19's. The funny thing is, I am not playing my 70 right now, because he is...undergeared. Full brutal, with enchants and gems, but trying for the...
  13. Winter Veil Entries

    A: Because it is a competition? Duh! Q: Who had the realm first downing of Malygos in 25 player mode on Teranas?
  14. 61-0

    It sure is helpful that Blizz changed the GY's so that players don't get farmed as much.
  15. Bitch Quiting BG's

    If you don't want any WT or Bleeding Hollow players in your PUG because they may AFK out, then you are....well I almost want to say a "dumbass", but I dont want to be rude and just think you need to learn that they are a tremendous help. Most people who AFK out will if the dip shits on the...
  16. Shift the brackets to x5 and x0

    An interesting idea, to say the least. With my 19's, I would consider leveling them 1 level to gain the mount. With my 59 DK, I would be able to actually PLAY again, and of course be the hated, dirt bag OP DK that was planned all along. Bwahhahaha!
  17. Poll: Tink or Twink

    I prefer XPOBiS, thank you. I call them twinks, don't care if you call it a tink, twink or XP Off Toon.
  18. Why Gear Matters (Not that Much)

    And don't forget to bring enough gum for everyone, noob.
  19. 19 twink bracket

    As soon as I just made that post I realized what I really should have said: So, you got owned by a hunter, then a priest? They were in Waw Tawent? How's that gear on that druid workin out for ya?
  20. 19 twink bracket

    Give me one good reason why NOT.