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  1. How to balance 19's (final)

    Then shorten it to just the first paragraph and problems, then discuss the possible changes in the thread with your ideas? You should not give it off as an accumulative of what the twink population wants - it is not - many of the changes you wouldn't budge on (surprise) are still in there and...
  2. How to balance 19's (final)

    So what if it is easily faked and easily eaten, you're still using a gcd when you're juking, which gives shaman more uptime on you. Which means you take damage while juking, do you not see that problem? You are extremely short-sighted right now. Hamstring means the warrior FIRST has to be on...
  3. How to balance 19's (final)

    13 - you does not mean every class. you cannot think like this. 27 - again, you cannot think like this. Not every class has these abilities, not to mention shamans have wind shear which negates your fear and root as they're casted. What will a warrior do? What will a rogue do, sprint is not...
  4. How to balance 19's (final)

    sap and poly are not on the same DR. and i said a fear inbetween gouge and sap, which means dr is refreshed for the sap. why do you think rmp has such great synergy? But yeah, even when cc is on the same DR you get a few seconds of cc, any top player does it.
  5. How to balance 19's (final)

    You have to stop with the removal of CC abilities. Gouge is fine, kick is fine, cs is fine. These are core abilities that adds to the skillcap. We don't WANT to be auto attacking or spamming spells into each other. If skirmishes are brought back, I'd rather see someone win on a gouge into fear...
  6. How to balance 19's (final)

    1- It's still not something that's needed. Ferals already have 100% uptime, and in any case, it is just a gimmick specc if you're running feral as dps and not as FC. 3- So what? The mobility changes you suggest will NOT make up for 3 charges of nature's grasp without dispel in. I'm sorry, but...
  7. How to balance 19's (final)

    1. Skull Bash is now learned at level 18 – too much, do not keep 2. Starsurge is no longer the specialisation ability of the balance tree, Typhoon is. Starsurge will take its place in the talent tree – will never happen, but would be nice to see 3. Nature's Grasp is now learned at level 14 – 3...
  8. How to balance 19's (final)

    I never said remove their burst, I said relocate it. I'm sorry, but it is so frustrating when you do not read properly. Damage out of ambush -> sinister strike/eviscerate, instead of simply more damage into sinister/eviscerate. No, scattershot is not in the same boat as CS at all. Hunters...
  9. How to balance 19's (final)

    This is not true at all. Unless the mage is dying a lot he will be oom 70% of the time. Any decent mage is using mana like crazy, putting pressure on a target while keeping others cc'd and keeping melee off himself. Evo doesn't bring back 100% mana and isn't instant, as well as being a 5min cd...
  10. How to balance 19's (final)

    This is blatently true, sorry. There is a very obvious correlation between rating and knowledge of the game, intelligence and skill. The fact that I have to explain this to you as if it was a discussion is saddening. It is simply true. I refer you to this which explains it better Good...
  11. How to balance 19's (final)

    And you're not biased at all mr holypaladin/insert-healer-class? Please. What's your point with the quotes you brought up? Some guy actually used that as an argument. Mages do need better survivability, what are you on about? Along with locks, mages are the squishiest class. Have you even...
  12. How to balance 19's (final)

    What subject did I lose? That you as a healer are not good enough at this game and so want everything to work in a way that lets you do whatever you want on your overgeared, five button, level 19 character? Ok, I won't troll. What knitpicking? "A lot of thought has gone into this", ok...
  13. How to balance 19's (final)

    But that doesn't disprove his point though, it is the same deal with mages' CS, except rogue kick is a 10 second cooldown.. Anyway both rogues and mages are fine, and the only tweaks needed is less ambush damage for rogues -> more damage outside of ambush, while mages need better survivability.
  14. How to balance 19's (final)

    Also something that hasn't been touched on is your idea of buffing rogue damage because it is too low outside of ambush (it's actually very decent, don't know where this conception is coming from, rogues have kick and gouge to lock something down, making up for lower damage), while not touching...
  15. How to balance 19's (final)

    why make a poll that says all or nothing, instead of tweaking your changes so it actually creates balance and doesn't ruin certain classes, making them unplayable and boring, as well as lowering the overall skillcap?
  16. How to balance 19's (final)

    Are you serious with this? Thanks captain obvious, I JUST pointed it out in the post you quoted. In your actual quote I even mention it will be trinkettable so your tears can stop already. No, they're not. You're the one just repeating yourself and stating extremely obvious things with no...
  17. How to balance 19's (final)

    k, whatever, you're biased by playing a healer and used to 4v4s where you never die. This isn't the same game it used to be. Luckily new spells and utilites have been added, which most decent players want. Cba replying to every single point you made as they've already been thourughly...
  18. How to balance 19's (final)

    You brought up the 8 second lockout..? It can sway it in your favour yes, it's not some instant iwin button that compares to simple things like hunter damage. If this scenario is the case though, how about TRAINING THE MAGE?? Mages die in 3 hits now. They're not unkillable like you make them...
  19. How to balance 19's (final)

    It sways it into your favor, yes. It, however, is not gamebreaking. It's the same at 85, except as frost you also have imp CS. What is your point? If you get a 8 second lockout on the healer he wasn't juking, or terrible at it. Things like not juking SHOULD be punished in this game, it is...
  20. How to balance 19's (final)

    But they are. When a class takes 50% of your hp in an ambush, it is a problem. If they trinket your nova+blink and shs on you, you're basically dead as arcane. If you have enough people to take down a nonhealing pala in the 4 seconds a blanket cs lasts, then yes, the paladin would and SHOULD...