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  1. Looks like there starting a big petition on the wow forums.

    I disagree with your premise and find your methods dishonest and repugnant.
  2. Time to delete warrior! :(

    So true. In the 19 bracket poor warriors still had a hard time killing anything without a dedicated healer or two because ranged would gun for them first thing.
  3. clikers

    It's low quality so you can hardly see the mouse pointer, but the results are what matters in any case. My Warrior PvP Video I have more but they are all worse resolution.
  4. clikers

    I clicked as a warrior for years. Seemed to work ok. If you're fast with a mouse I doubt there's much difference. The only downside is if you post a video the comments will mostly consist of "zomg clicker!1".
  5. @ Drayner and Petition

    I reread what you posted. I'm very glad that you are elevating the discourse in this thread to include the possibility of keeping it how it is. I was too hasty in my post and am leaving my previous post unedited as a reminder to myself to listen more to others. That said STOP TRYING TO...
  6. @ Drayner and Petition

    Or keep it how it is currently. Please don't exclude options you don't agree with. We're having an intelligent discussion and excluding options you don't agree with just makes it an emotional discussion.
  7. @ Drayner and Petition

    It's ridiculous to compare purchasing an account with teleporting and speed hacking. One is illegal in most countries as unauthorized access to a computer system and faces real jail time and is considered completely unacceptable by most players. The other is, to put it as I've seen it before...
  8. @ Drayner and Petition

    There is a profound difference between against the ToS and unobtainable.
  9. 20-29 BC Enchantable Items

    Haliscan Jacket. Hope posting this doesn't get it nerfed haha. /emote looks around for Draynor
  10. @ Drayner and Petition

    Except for new servers. NERF!
  11. @ Drayner and Petition

    If you want to bring RL cash into the equation (via server transfers) then the grandfathered buff is also available to anyone by simply purchasing an account that has it.
  12. @ Drayner and Petition

    I totally disagree with removing the grandfathering of buffs. Blizzard's current solution works fine. Twinks that have them will gradually be retired as accounts are canceled and people move on to new games. In a year if there's one or two twinks that still have them who cares (that is, besides...
  13. 29 Holy Paladin Guide

    discuss paladin glyphs please. More specifically minor glyphs. What do you recommend?
  14. 35+ mail?

    war rider bracers alliance only