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    This isnt funny! It turns out zuty is mean and dosnt want ppl to leave twink info so he hacks websites and makes them gay men porn websites for the laughs and to keep his friends! Ill hack you twinkinfo and when i do im going to make it a gay umm... Gay women porn website! Every one will be...

    MY WEBSITE GOT HACKED! AHH WTF SOME ONE PUT A GUYS WIENER ON MY WEBSITE! IM RUINED! twinkinfo 1 me 0 :( turns out Zuty hacked my website and made it a sausige fest. DAMN YOU ZUTY DAMN YOU

    c you there buddy

    Well im off to bed. i hope you all come and join me at ill be waiting for every one to come to my new web site wait wtf my website is getting hacked ill try and fix it every one go on over it will be a new experience (hopefuly)

    yes im srs please explain

    how did i get you? i dont get it

    hey buddy its not like i work for i dont snatch im just telling people like you to try it out. and dont lie to your self i bet you went to check it out any ways :D

    yeah it is buddy! hope to see you there

    Hey guys! Tired of this website and how people like Zuty can ban you if you make them rage? goto! way better then twinkinfo by 100%! when you get there make an account and lets all do what we do here there but better! ill probly get banned after this because Zuty will get mad at me for...
  10. Hurts me to say it.

    pointless thread desirves pointless replys
  11. Let me recruit you pls..(ariea peak)

    >>That>> :Alliance: :Alliance: > :Horde:
  12. Wtb shadowfang

    i said he can raise his price and toss in items.. i got my twink a shadowfang 2 days ago for 50g so idc if you think 15k-20k is cheap.
  13. Wtb shadowfang

    friend buying shadowfang for 15,000g on Dreadmaul (Oceanic) :Alliance: PM him on one of these toons, Kennythehero Ghostprobro or Dieuhordes. i think he can raise price and even add some trades
  14. My 60 DK Twink

    why do guys play girls? so tired of it
  15. Wtb shadowfang

    so my friend wants to buy x1 Shadowfang for 15,000g on Dreadmaul (oceanic):Alliance: he cant xfer whisper him for details Kennythehero Ghostprobro Dieuhordes
  16. a 19s dream

    ^ haha :D wow how did u remember i said that lol
  17. a 19s dream

    just got out of shadowfang keep to go get that Night Reaver for 43g i saw on my 19 pally and when i got to AH i saw a shadowfang for 50g and bought it right away :D so happy thought ide never even hold one in my life! good luck to any one out there farming you will get it aswell just keep an eye...
  18. Selling Bristlebark Gloves CHEEEP

    LOL ive seen these alot and to be honest ide rather get defias gloves and lose 4 armor. and why would some one exfer for them lol
  19. Quick question about account selling...

    if you goto the very very bottem of the forum page theres these dots you can click on and i clicked the little dots and it sent me to a account selling thing. thought i should post this cus i read this b4 i clicked it lol. bad twinkinfo bad!
  20. Woodworking Gloves

    ^ dumb lol uh ide rather get gold flecked gloves