Search results

  1. CC Mage - no BoA

    WAND: Imo I would swap out your wand for Cookie's Stirring Rod BRACERS: Mindthrust Bracers Will give you more base stats - Can be hard to get hold of but its worth it (: CHEST: Anacondra's Robe Has far better dmg than your current and survivability should never be a problem, If it is however...
  2. Remembering why we do what we do (videos?)

    So today I was thinking and I did a little search on youtube and I started to notice - You type in twink and click on recent videos and they all seem to be either xp on or with desclimers saying "not twink" Now idk about you but nothing gets me in the mood for a bit of 19 PvP like watching...
  3. So I rolled a mage...

    Come to draenor now! the grass is green, The sky is blue, and the blue..
  4. So I rolled a mage...

    Thats what I thought but a friend of mine said they changed to stop hunters stacking spell power :\ maybe he was trolling me but idk xD he said check the mastery for survival and it says nature - Some please correct me if im wrong ;D
  5. So I rolled a mage...

    As far as I know skills like arcane shot and explosive shot are nature dmg so might be worth getting +15 nature resist
  6. So I rolled a mage...

    fix'd?? - gonna be so imbarissed if i still did it wrong :(
  7. So I rolled a mage...

    Not rly sure how to link items but ima give it a go.. excuse me if i embarris myself here.. /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("\124cff0070dd\124Hitem:1974:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Mindthrust Bracers]\124h\124r"); /script...
  8. EU Draenor alliance // Sell me your Mindthrust Bracer's!

    Bump - Still need zem =(
  9. EU Draenor alliance // Sell me your Mindthrust Bracer's!

    Okay (: Ive added u my names Vaze (main) and Unø (mage) might be on enbound aswell (alt) but yh, Msg me ingame or send em CoD to me and if i dont like the price ill return it and wisp u :P
  10. EU Draenor alliance // Sell me your Mindthrust Bracer's!

    Draenor alliance // Sell me your Mindthrust Bracer's! Hoping somebody has some, Havn't seen any on the ah for a while [Mindthrust Bracer's] <3
  11. 19 healer tooltips.

    Dont know whether you'll find this relevant but a possible addition could be if everone got the addon spell tips (ithink) which displayed a rough prediction of how much it will heal after counting in bonus spell power since I dont find blizztooltips that accurate :\
  12. Help choosing a class :\

    Thanks for the advise guys :) I think im going mage ;D On my server (draenor EU) There arnt to many mages which is always nice because I like being away from the crowd (Hunters, Rogues and Paladins) Ive taken a look at the Mage guide on here and it offers some good advise - Just wondering if...
  13. Help choosing a class :\

    Thanks for the quick replys guys still undecided though hehe, Are mages just built to be a CCer? And are both of them able to hold there own if cornerd by another player 1v1?
  14. Help choosing a class :\

    So as you probobly noticed im new here - Have lurked the forums for a while but decided it was time to make an account and post :) Im WAY to torn between choosing a class heres my dilema - Im hovering round the idea of a mage or shaman, dont ask why they just seem to appeal to me xD...