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  1. 70 bracket dying slowly

    is that really the main reason? Because if so i can probably get about 20 people to go horde with me. I know its not much but its a start. I am actually debating on leveling my twink because of the lack of queues. But if i go horde and theese queues pop ill stay horde lol
  2. First 70 Twink paladin. need a bit of help

    Thanks a bunch! Answerd every single question i had. Probably going to go holy to start with and work toward prot. And how much does full brutal cost now? i have 1.2k honor saved up from leveling
  3. First 70 Twink paladin. need a bit of help

    I am no stranger to twinking. I have twinked just about every bracket. But for once i am actually in need of help. I have never twinked 70 before and i was wondering how 70's do for gear as i have never played BC before when 70 was the cap. (already have 2 85's) Money is no issue at all...