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  1. Nozem13

    How Active?

    OH! Hell yeah! Thanks for confirming this, Cig! Any servers that are more poppin than others?
  2. Nozem13

    How Active?

    Hello All! I'm posting in a few brackets because I've been an veteran Twink since like 2007, but stopped around like MoP and I'm looking to get back into it with Wrath Classic. I have a few toons that are ready to go and some others that are close. But I was hoping someone could tell me what...
  3. Nozem13

    PTR Party sync and max levels in low level bg's

    Correct! But That's why it should exist in only creates balancing issues in PvP. I can't see the benefit outweighs the negatives on this one...
  4. Nozem13

    EU+US 70 Armory, not Just BIS (make sure your toons are on here, if not please comment!)

    Some old/recently polished 70 twinks... Twinking since 2007, but I'm trying to get back into it a bit in the 39/49 brackets. But I have some good gear, great memories, and some cool mogs! ;) Misty Monk- Frosty Mage-...
  5. Nozem13

    4.1 Theorycraft: Resilience and the 70 warrior FC

    Yeah, a bit harsh Hotpcket. I would just vote no to your whole resil idea. I don't think its viable, and I don't think its worth it. Frankly FC is handled by the druid, shaman and other movement increasing classes. The resil wont make as much of an impact as you might hope :[
  6. Nozem13

    85 Frost pvp DKs

    Hey all! I was just hoping to get some feed back on any info you guys might have on Frost DKs in PvP. More specifically dos and don'ts....rotation or priority spell use....maybe some good spec set ups, some good arena comp ideas. Any info you have would be great! Ty :D
  7. Nozem13

    Concern about 4.1

    Well warriors aren't really taking nerfs, they got some changes which are minor disadvantages. But they got some minor buffs here and there,atleast in arms spec, that make it alright. This mage thing is crazy though! Idk if they even needed this at 85! Insanely lame.
  8. Nozem13

    70 Warlock

    Just wondering if some people could give me some feedback on the 70 twink Warlocks they've seen. Spec, play style, survivability, dmg out put...the whole 9 yards please :D
  9. Nozem13

    Classes Less Seen at 70

    A Spriest in my opinion Three, at least one that plays it well enough. Any I'm a ret pally and a Disc Priest, I have yet to lose to any mage. (Or anything on my pally hehe) Mages are just annoying, but if you know how 87% of them are going to play, its easy to beat. Like most other classes. ya...
  10. Nozem13

    What's 70 bgs like right now?

    They are great! 5minuteish ques, great mix of scrubs in full brutal and really talented players. It's honestly very great. It's like the intensity of Cata with the feel of BC.
  11. Nozem13

    Healers at 70.

    I wouldn't say ruining anything lol It's just fun go into EoS and know, right off the bat when they have 8 healers, and you have 2 that it's going to be MUCH harder for a win :D
  12. Nozem13

    thinkin of making a 70 healer

    Yeah I would say Resto Sham is the "strongest" option. But personally I love Disc Priest. Idk...It just feels more fluent than my resto shammy. But...lord knows I die more as disc. lol I haven't tried resto druid, but ive tried all the other healing classes and I'd say Disc Priest from an...
  13. Nozem13

    Classes Less Seen at 70

    You know I seem to be hearing that argument a lot about ele shammy. No survivability, no maneuverability. But we we talking against like some rouge's burst? Or other melee classes? I'm just gear and theory crafting at this point, but I feel like I could kite well enough to make ele shammy viable...
  14. Nozem13

    Classes Less Seen at 70

    MWhaaha! Thanx Murk :D I was also testing to see how long it took for someone to mention my spelling and grammatical mistake :0 Thanx for the input guys!
  15. Nozem13

    Classes Less Seen at 70

    Yeah, that makes sense. lol I've seen a lot doign at lower lvls. Bot ele shammy must live for EoS Weekend :D
  16. Nozem13

    Classes Less Seen at 70

    Ay! So I was just wondering if I could get some feed back on which classes/specs people see the least of in the twinking bracket. And if you could justify it with a reason or 2 that would be great. Personally I almost never see Boomkin or Ele Shammy. I recently saw and fought a couple of...
  17. Nozem13

    70 fury warr

    Lol very classy Sober :D BTW what a damn solid mage :D
  18. Nozem13

    70 bracket dying slowly

    I honestly don't think it's dying. My brother and I on Azuremyst server just randomly at 8:30 EST on a Thursday qued our 70s(untwinked-just some random kara and KT gear lol) and we got ques under 7 minutes 3 times. The people inside were pretty well ranged from clearly experienced, very well...
  19. Nozem13

    49 warrior gear

    How is it bugged Taitiah? Like the drop rate in any way? or the equip lame stuff? lol
  20. Nozem13

    70 BG's are shit?

    Wait, Stale....Why is that a problem? lol What is better than you being a bad-ass, skilled twink and pwning some wanna be full brutal twinks?