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  1. "Your game of the week" thread.

    no denying that you are effective :) however, i do know that you are invested in trying to pad the meter. Tab moonfires and AoE bleeds.
  2. "Your game of the week" thread.

    woah... there is no need to name call bro. I think the community would agree that with 4v4 twinks, the double healer comp is stronger. We have more kills because be and my sham friend have high burst. The kills dont mean shit. Calling me a noob is out of line. This forum should be for people...
  3. "Your game of the week" thread.

    Let’s analyze that scoreboard. You have two healers, and you sorted by KBs. Yea I got a lot of kills, however that does not accurately depict the power spread of that bg. You have huntress pumping damage and backed by two healers which is infinitely more effective than one. If you had lost that...
  4. "Your game of the week" thread.

    We focused several people that game lol. Your thinking of Waveshine btw. See ya out there!
  5. "Your game of the week" thread.

    Heya Nocontest! I played several games against you that day. I play Astaroth(horde rogue) and Tresserhorn(horde unholy dk). while hunts may be op, they are part of the game :) gotta roll with the punches and do your best.
  6. Rogue Enchants (Elemental vs Wep dmg/atck pow)

    Hiya! I am testing double elemental force vs +4 wep dmg mainhaind/7 ap offhand. It appears to me that elemental force is just straight up more dps. I tested only opener(shadowstrike), which is comparable. However when i test opener, fill 5 combo points, then evis.... elemental is always...
  7. Dream Team = Reality Team

    There are many good players out there. There are multiple combinations of players that would make great teams. I agree with glabe . Now with real id, xserver dream team Qs are very possible
  8. Dream Team = Reality Team

    Sounds entertaining to me. perhaps you just wouldn't measure up.
  9. Dream Team = Reality Team

    im down for a good pre
  10. Hit Cap for 29 fury warr?? anyone know?

    does anyone know what the exact white hit cap is at 29? Hit rating cap ? Or hit % cap?
  11. poll for a 4th night for US 29s

    Agreed... I shall be Qing On mondays and wednesdays If you have a 29 twink Q for those days as well. we have the numbers we just need to get it going
  12. Hit Cap for 29 fury warr?? anyone know?

    Hi there. I am wondering if anyone knowes what the hit cap is for 29 fury warr. feedback much appreciated
  13. Be Raptor help pls!!!!!

    Ok i am horde and i cant find out how to get the Band of raptor teeth
  14. Can horde get [Band of raptor teeth] ?

    Vaught can you tell me where it starts for horde? Vaught where do i start it for horde then?
  15. Can horde get [Band of raptor teeth] ?

    Hi there wowhead says the quest for band of raptor teeth is horde. Im wondering if it is obtainable for horde or not. Responses appreciated
  16. Come on, Horde!

    i have noticed lots of xp off untwinked hordies Ya i have noticed that there are alot of horde that turn XP off untwinked. Perhas they are working towards a full geared twink or maybe they just dont know. However we still try to hold our own regardless of how hopeless it seems.
  17. Goblin Mail Leggings still available?... WTB a pair.. pst!

    so nobody knows if goblin mail leggings still drop?
  18. ALL MoP GEAR (new items and granfathered) - By Jarex

    Do goblin mail leggings still drop?..... i think that NPCs have been removed... does anyone know?
  19. Goblin Mail Leggings still available?... WTB a pair.. pst!

    i am still wondering if the goblin mail leggings still drop from the NPCs which appear to be removed..... anyone know if they still drop ??
  20. Goblin Mail Leggings still available?... WTB a pair.. pst!

    ya i will keep looking but i would like to keep in touch