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  1. Draenor Premade Team, Aszune u be happy now? (EU)

    That Qlimaxz is a good druid man
  2. Cross Realming and Video Help

    Hi, i am almost BiS non GF geared on my FC druid, but i need belt and cape from random dungeons and i seriously cannot handle the low dps of non twinks with full whites, was wandering because we can que for dungeons cross realm if anyone Ally EU wanted to help out with a few. Cheers Last...
  3. Best FC class?

    I love druid best, done all. Pally be better for pugs IMO, but druids are best for jumps
  4. Pictures of your new Transmog'd Characters

    Cer has coolest so far.
  5. Pictures of your new Transmog'd Characters

    Cool, i sooo cant wait , btw when is Heirloom legs comming out, and Darkchewie best FC
  6. Pictures of your new Transmog'd Characters

    Well im from EU so patch isnt up for like 6 hours, i was wanting you guys to post pictures of your transmogged characters so i can see what its like
  7. PTR so far....

    Rogue's Ambush is getting big nerf ive been told. Same as backstab.
  8. Holy S^^t, I Had a Dream.

    I had a dream where Shammies had Surge, then i woke up to a 3 second cast which healed 150s.
  9. The best FC I have ever seen!

    Man, i cant watch it because i cant see it in the UK or some shite like that
  10. Be careful when Gearing now.

    Well, he said They stopped doing it now for just under a month
  11. Be careful when Gearing now.

    Apparently Gms' aren't aloud to swap your quest rewards, so say i have Seal of Argas with 5 strenght and 4 stamina, the GM isnt aloud to swap it to the 5 stamina 6 intell anymore
  12. Metal Working Gloves, Worth anything

    Titles says it all. Found them in ah for 25g so bought em.Are they worth much?
  13. Bro, im not bad

    Not 1700 rsham, its 1700 ele
  14. Goma... wtf.

    Goma, is a fag. Tbh Dont trust him
  15. Bro, im not bad

    Lawl , Sit the **** down
  16. Bro, im not bad

    Your main?
  17. Bro, im not bad

    Hurr, 2k on ret. And Ret is hard atm because people remove wings Y'know
  18. Bro, im not bad

    Getting whisper from someone with names like "hfjaaksnd" saying im bad cause i killed his twink and i have no skill on my 85 "omfg dude no skill you play paladin" too If your reading this - Havokz @ Outland - Game - World of Warcraft Xuti @ Kul Tiras - Game - World of Warcraft Bro...
  19. Who is Beau, Phe, and Dorygon?

    ^^ Mehh TBH, i have seen one goode horde hunter, Was a goblin, Rest are very bad. To all huntards L2 /focus scatter shot healers