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  1. Save the Furbolgs

  2. Save the Furbolgs You have a voice, use it. Stop the violence, the hatred, and the waste of time. #Savethefurbolgs
  3. <Green Tinted Goggles> LF guild to face in a 10v10

    Thats fine, and i get that, but in the initial post you're bragging about beating them 3-0 when it wasn't legitimate. So why are you even bragging about it? People take their records in this bracket really seriously, for right or wrong, so to everyone you haven't won shit. So don't try listing...
  4. <Green Tinted Goggles> LF guild to face in a 10v10

    This is such a fiasco: Whatever happened before, was NOT premade. Even if both people at one point said "Yeah our guild will be queueing that night, lets get some games" isn't a legit premade. Schedule it in advance, confirm it with both guilds. Each team has 10 players from their own guild...
  5. WSG jumps/tricks?

    Look up Painaid's old videos, they're still phenomenal. On a youtube channel "Mikelo220" and across them all you'll be hard to see a jump he doesnt do. The only ones he doesnt show iirc are more modern ally ToT jump, and hopping through ally fence.
  6. BIS Offense Shaman?

    Disagree entirely. Shamans are very useful and can certainly pug well. Pushback sucks but you shouldnt be casting heal/lightning bolt either way. Being there to tremor, earthbind, purge, and interrupt is quite important, and the damage you do with shock, searing totem, shield, and basic...
  7. BIS Offense Shaman?

    Leggings are really the only Fang piece worth wearing at all, set bonus or not. Evocators with 30sp and a separate skeletal club with fiery/lifesteal to swap to in melee, is years better than trying to combine the two. I understand wanting more mana, but sacrificing 200hp is just not worth...
  8. BIS Offense Shaman?

    Engi Cloak > Draftsman, use 4/4 bear boots or grizzled. Personally I think Deadskull is incredibly overrated for Shaman. Use Artic or Redbeard instead, and thay way it doesnt get you close to leveling. 20fire damage/7strength to gloves is better than 15 & 7 agi imo, pick which one fits your...
  9. Shoutout to "Aspire" on Kurinnaxx

    Guild queueing 10 into pugs and then refusing to end game for over 30minutes, quality people ;)
  10. Need help gearing? Ask here!

    With the resurgence of the 19 community there has been plenty of players that I've scene with..questionable item choices. I would like this thread to help people get on the right track for gearing, as well as helping understand the priority of stats that they need. Yes I know the armory exists...
  11. Dat FOTM life

    I for one welcome our new mage overlords and spit on those who question them.
  12. Best secondary stat for Shamans?

    My initial thought for resto was haste/vers and ele would be haste/crit. With this hybrid playstyle shamans are adopting now, ive seen more vers/crit and less haste. I'd love to know the reasoning behind both sides with this :)
  13. /wave

    A lot of people right now are on Bleeding Hollow, but I'm split between there for horde and Kel'thuzad for Alliance lol. Getting geared is really not that bad, you can have a really geared twink in a day of grinding!
  14. /wave

    Hey Bud! Missed you around here! A lot of us just came back to playing 19s again, but so far we're having a lot of fun. Hither and I are on damn near daily, as well as alot of other names! Gear actually matters again, queues are popping, and plebmades happen a lot too. I think its definitely...
  15. Cause Why Not come flame boys :') Sellout Mode
  16. 19 Players Appreciation Thread

    So disclaimer, this is gonna be sappy as fuck so yea. A lot of us have been involved in this bracket for a while. We've made enemies, friends, and some of us have even grown up with one another. I still remember transfering to fucking Azgalor when i was 12 (18 now) to join a 19s guild, and...
  17. Why do you hate: Kancer

    Back in the great Ruin migration, he gkicked me from Meat Puppet cause i sucked and had a Face Smasher with 30sp enchant on it
  18. Best of 19s thread

    Mage - Revo, HB Shaman - Repulsed, Das Druid - Pizza/Hamform/HB for FC Rogue - Meinsi Monk - Skeezin cause skill, Conq cause leader. Priest - Kancer Warrior - Esmorelda, Trendy Warlock - Youredead Hunter - Anyone with Agt in name seems to have some sort of a brain so. Paladin - Silkwyrm
  19. Why do you hate: Curley

    Nah it all gone. Do you still have that arrogant, tiny dick compensating personality ?
  20. Why do you hate: Curley

    Curley may be a troll fuckboy sometimes but i gotta love him