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  1. Pizza's 19 Hunter

    yiggy This set is mostly just stacked AP. seal helps to balance hp a bit for pugs, as does harpoon, which i would probably drop in favor of rockslicer for the additional crit.
  2. BIS hunter?

    The World of Warcraft Armory - Yiggy @ Arthas - Profile I didn't get the 10 hit sword before it got grandfathered, this is about the best you can do without it. edit: use rockslicer with agi for premade.
  3. Little tip for those trying to get their new fishing hat.

    Yes i would save them too. Rumor has it they will reset on Tuesday with maintenance resets and during and rolling server reset. Guess we will find out soon enough.
  4. Little tip for those trying to get their new fishing hat.

    I think you mean duckhunt was sarcastic, or joking.. Nothing about what he said was ironic.
  5. Little tip for those trying to get their new fishing hat.

    If you want to spend your money and check for yourself, I won't stand in your way.
  6. Little tip for those trying to get their new fishing hat.

    i highly doubt 4 bags would have exactly the same items in the same bags.... from what he told me he was pretty careful to remember the items.
  7. Little tip for those trying to get their new fishing hat.

    This does not work for faction transfer. My friend just faction transferred today and his bags were the same.
  8. Help with my hunter

    this is my set up The World of Warcraft Armory - Yiggy @ Arthas - Profile hope it helps.
  9. weather-beaten

    I spoke to a GM to see if i could confirm any changes that might make the hat unavailable to twinks in the future. Answers werent exactly definite but there doesn't seem to be any known plans as of yet.