Search results

  1. Tired of losing when your alliance? (Nordrassil - EU, 70 bg team guild)

    add Devils493 i think it is on skype poke me there
  2. Tired of losing when your alliance? (Nordrassil - EU, 70 bg team guild)

    Is a thread on guild recruitment but most y'all slack and dont check it much so thought id go ahead and post here. Need 5-6 people to fill our bg team up, atm we go bg's most evenings and when cata hits we'll be taking a break then hopefully get back to it asap with bg's (and rated...
  3. 70 protection paladin ~

    The World of Warcraft Armory - Devilsjr @ Nordrassil - Profile Stack strength and go 4/5 brutal, also get a medallion ofc I'm just lazy as its an old twink ~D
  4. So i heard....

    Should be careful, ferrets can bite back! Edit: and pickles, although i dont want to know what you've done to those pickles to make them bite back.... ~D
  5. So i heard....

    :( go bump our recruitment thread.
  6. So i heard....

    Soberlolz tickles chickens? can anyone confirm? ~D
  7. 70 twink 4.0.3 pvp video

    What editing software do you use? and have you ever considered branching out a bit with the editing?
  8. Ideas for 70 twinks

    Except Blizzard have stated many a time that they have no intention of this. ~D
  9. Kill dem f***ers!

    erm yea ... Come to nordrassil alliance got a pro guild <3 ~D
  10. Kill dem f***ers!

    Didn't say it was hard, just informing the 70 community that they are kill on sight. ~D
  11. Kill dem f***ers!

    Yea, I hate 79 twinks :(
  12. Dual Glaived Warriors look inside!

    Got a warrior in my guild that does close to 6k unbuffed, 1 glaive and Hand of Vengeance. ~D