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  1. Jadyn

    is this new meta?

    Sounds pretty desperate to me. In my experience, people really only enjoy doing that if it gets a rise out of you. Otherwise, they'll get bored eventually.
  2. Jadyn

    [WotLK] Molten (Warmane) 39s

    I took my usual half-year break, and next time I looked up I saw this. A bit early: they also have instant 19s in the pvp realm, but not instant 39s yet. Once they have that, we'll make sure to point it out here so anyone interested in experimenting can do so even easier. The cool thing about...
  3. Jadyn

    Classless Twink Server

    What's the draw, exactly? I mean long term. In the short term, it'd be fun to mix and match, yes, but I'm not sure that I'd stay interested. And if things got competitive, people would just hone in on the most op combos.
  4. Jadyn

    Warmane - (Beta) Instant 19 - Progression realm

    I'm waiting for them to implement 29 and 39 brackets personally. I don't disagree, though housing would probably be more work than it's worth. Personally, I'd go for something around patch 3.0 or 3.1. Leg, head, and shoulder enchants to give you more buffer to experiment, and maybe a handful...
  5. Jadyn

    The Peak of Twinking

    @Purj which Battlegroup were you in? To me (39s), TBC x-realm was the beginning of the golden age obviously. It peaked sometime around 3.0, the population peaked as raiders got bored (and early WotLK raids got lame pretty quickly), the change to spellpower and ratings opened up a bunch of new...
  6. Jadyn

    Twinkcraft - Custom 19 Server

    Not a fan of the custom gear, looks too standardized. Part of the fun of twinks to me is the quirky stat allocations, though I do like the idea of having new gear just to give more choice. Also, the riding skill leveling mechanic is really clever, love it.
  7. Jadyn

    Come to Warmane, 70-79 bracket alive 24/7 and 60-69 active in the evenings.

    My name is Jadyn and I approve this message. Especially the part about 39s. Warmane just enabled rated arenas for all level brackets too btw. Just participated in my first rated arenas at 39. No game-ruining awards, just bragging rights. ;)
  8. Jadyn

    39 BiS Standards (All Classes) Updated for Phase 5!

    Holy priest can be very good, not a meme-spec. But you have to be careful with mana and you're gonna have a bad time if you get caught alone. Me, I always get caught alone, so I always recommend shadow with 7 in disc for martyrdom. Lets you spam Mindflay in a physical dpser's face. Also, the...
  9. Jadyn

    Shaman 39 Build Around PoD ?

    In battlegrounds (not sure about wPvP) your weapon skill is maxed out to the cap you can achieve at your level, yes. But you're making an assumption that gear wouldn't increase it further, and I think that's an incorrect assumption. I remember in Vanilla some of the best rogue gear for PvP...
  10. Jadyn

    Will this be "trade-glitchable"?

    Yes, Vanilla had fewer rules against that stuff in the game code. In TBC, leg enchants actually didn't require any kind of glitch. They just required a boe item, because you couldn't apply them through trade at all. But a higher level toon could apply them to a boe item, and then just mail or...
  11. Jadyn

    How is your [classic] twink coming along?

    Since I'm playing casual, I'm leveling a toon to max, and then going to start my main priest twink as 29, and then go to 39 if and when we get news on what's happening after Phase 6. I found 29 more fun in Vanilla than 39 anyway. 39 really took off when they moved mounts to level 30 and added...
  12. Jadyn

    Your Classic adventures!

    Had my first run-in with some twinks! I'm leveling slow, so only 30 right now on Whitemane. Ran into about 4 29 ally twinks roaming around Hillsbrad Fields. Was kinda fun trying to hide from them for a bit, but then got bored, then someone brought in 60s, and the whole thing turned into a mess, lol.
  13. Jadyn

    Shaman 39 Build Around PoD ?

    The +skill would probably help hit higher level targets. Also, I thought 1 agi added 1 AP for shamans, but maybe that's in a later expansion, when they added a talent for int to give ap as well.
  14. Jadyn

    Shaman 39 Build Around PoD ?

    For fun I would say. An early twink will probably be alone in BGs, so if you outgear everyone else, you might want to have fun for a bit running around seeing how big you can crit with windfury.
  15. Jadyn

    Shaman 39 Build Around PoD ?

    You might consider working in an eagle piece or two to shore up your mana a bit.
  16. Jadyn

    Classic Plus

    I think that's what they're referring to. Balance between specs is fine, except in raids all the drops are for only one spec per class, unlike how it is in TBC.
  17. Jadyn

    Classic Plus

    A couple things that have been popular in the subreddit: No flying mounts New continents are cool, but draw most players away from the main world, making it feel empty. Class (spec) balance is pretty bad in Vanilla. WotLK had a few nice things, but was the beginning of the end Hero classes that...
  18. Jadyn

    Green Lens

    I and several of my guildies obtained some eagle, stam, and int lenses. I never met any of the original crafters. My understanding is that before 1.3 they could proc stam, int, eagle, owl, and wolf, and that was it. None of the other variants. I think basically some people made some, held on to...
  19. Jadyn

    Classic Plus

    Well, I found the subreddit while waiting in queues, so it was partly out of boredom. But also, if Blizz were to decide to create any new content, they probably would like to start soon, like in the next 6 months. I'm sure they'll wait a little while just to confirm that not too many people quit...
  20. Jadyn

    Classic Plus

    Now that we're almost a month in, it's looking like Classic is successful enough that Blizzard really could move on to launching TBC Classic sometime after phase 6. They've made a tiny bit of noise about being open to the idea of doing something else, so I've been chatting with people in...