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  1. Twinking lvl 40-45-49

    Really wish this bracket was active again
  2. help me understand chromie time....

    Neither account has TWW, both are in "present timeline" with DF accounts, but can't sync.
  3. The War Within Level 21-29s Armory

    level 20: Level 29:
  4. help me understand chromie time....

    having a hard time understanding chromie time, i have a level 70 toon that i am trying to link up with a level 29 in DF and can't for some reason seem to get them to sync correctly. both are phased and in all seriousness, cant figure out why. The 70 can't use chromie time and i cant figure out...
  5. what the hell do you guys do on your twinks

    This is also where i am at, just got past the 50 souls, how are you looking at the infusion parts? i only have one other account to help out but not seeing an easy way to get these done with what i have available. any suggestions?
  6. Lv 11 Necrotic Wake question

    Did you take the secondary skip in oribos?
  7. Necrotic Wake loot now level 50?

    The second "bypass" removes this and there isn't a way that i have found to undo it...yet. I believe that choice may affect the entire warband team, not sure but from my perspective i had 3 level 49's, 2 of which did the long drawn out part to get the FP to bastion. I did that on 2 of them...
  8. At what point does SL gems become too much?

    At what point does SL gems become too much healing and should focus on other stats such as crit/haste? currently at 1166 hp / 10 sec healing but this current TW (cata) has 1 shot mechanics that healing at that level is null and void, my goal isn't to speed run through the dungeons, just finish...