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  1. Gems on a lvl 10

    Can confirm that the highest str and agi gem you can get is +3. Int is the only one you can get that has +4. A little perk for int users as they lack gemslot gear compared to agi and str users. I think its a pretty big deal because in my experience +1 main stat is worth +3 in secondary...
  2. 10s Armory List

    How did you get the Spelunker's Waning Candle Item Level 415?! Doesn't it drop from delves too. is this just an armory bug?
  3. took two months, got two lvl-10 DHs out of starter zone

    I would also like to know because I have a DK, DH and Evoker sitting there in hopes they will get the "gear update". I'm character capped so it would be nice to know if this method is busted; I'd rather use my character slots for something useful.
  4. Possible soft nerf to Ooze

    When In current time the only portals I have access to are Azsuna, Valdrakken and Ashran. The Zeppelin and boats still work in order to get into Wotlk. Currently I do not know any ways to get to TBC Shatrath.
  5. Possible soft nerf to Ooze

    As you all know you have to be in the current timeline for Ooze to work properly. Well as of todays patch my 10 and 11's cannot access most portals. The only portals I have access to on many different characters are Azsuna, Valdrakken and Ashran.
  6. Garrosh Heirloom weapons possibly BiS?

    I have tested this with my rogue. I tried the faster daggers and the slower axes and I get better results with the slower weapon. When I switch to better dung weapons, My dps seems to stay the same but my lifesteal healing is notably worse. I can really feel the difference. On my brewmaster...
  7. Garrosh Heirloom weapons possibly BiS?

    I have been doing a bunch of testing on 10's and 11's and it FEELS to me like these socketed heirloom weapons are bis for MOST classes. Of course Hatebringer beats them out for classes that can use it. With the tremendous nerf to leach and purplz; gem spam seems king, and all of these heirlooms...
  8. lvl10 agility leather BIS

    Yes, they do drop I have them on my lvl 10 brewmaster monk. You can look him up on the armory thread.
  9. amnesia

    I'm sure this has been answered but can dragonflight gear proc tert stats or sockets?
  10. amnesia

    I just got it solo. Lvl 11 Fury war. I just flew in and killed the forgotten creation and bam got it.
  11. 10s Armory List

    Hello everyone!, I've been lurking for a little bit but glad to finally post! Lvl 11 Fury Warrior Lvl 11 Outlaw Rogue Lvl 10 Guardian Druid...