Search results

  1. Shadowfang?

    My friend was boosting a 19 twink through SF and he ninjaed SF, it's on AH on Al'Akir Horde side for 15k atm
  2. Gold Making Guide.

    Reserved for later use
  3. Gold Making Guide.

    First of all, there is never enough gold out there, you can always make more. The moment you are content with the gold you have is the moment where you go downhill. Gold making strategies vary greatly. So do WoW players,some are bottom-feeders in the AH, undercutting their opponents and...
  4. A leveleing twink?

    Druid or Hunter are best suited for this IMO
  5. minor speed not so great :D

    7 agi - 14 AP + some 2-3% crit ( off the top of my head ) 7 stam - 70 hp 5 hit rating - 2.5-3% hit Minor Speed - 8% movement speed increase. With Cataclysm hit rating is so common on items the soft cap is easily reachable with either BoA items or not. The stacking of stats is useful...
  6. EU WTS Account.

    Bump, good account for people who want a fresh start with Cata.
  7. EU WTS Account.

    Yeah, but the price is mostly for 2 month gametime and the Cataclysm CD + a 8k gold starting capital + guild with 4 tabs and mats.
  8. EU WTS Account.

    Bump, 45$ anyone?
  9. resistances hotfixed-buffed back to van-wow days+++

    Not sure if we're supposed to have this much resistance at low levels, reported to a GM and he said it's been escalated to a senior GM
  10. Dominance - 19 Feral Druid

    10/10 lol10chrs
  11. WTB tabards of -------

    Google is the most trusted site. Wikipedia is a close second
  12. Combat rogue. Temp weapon enchant help!.

    Why the hell does everyone expect people to provide maths to back up their answers. It's not hard, do it yourself. You're given advice, take it or leave it. Why do I still read these forums(
  13. Taking back the crown:5

    Taking back the crown:4 was really bad and pointless. The point of this thread being to point out the pointlessness of the previous one.
  14. BoA helms / arena

    Takes? As far as I know, stay in the guild and play as you like while it levels, not like it's some daily farming thing
  15. Taking over the crown 2

    Words are not edible, btw. The vid that was shown , it let us know the extent of your skillz)
  16. Realm First!

    I was routing for Smasher the warrior. He just leveled by questing, just faster than most.
  17. Taking over the crown 2

    Fact is, in your so called "prime", you got owned. What are the chances you will be anymore successfull now? Or are you going to make everyone that beats you join your guild. You're not wanted, gtfo.
  18. Taking over the crown 2

    o0 FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. I support Spudnick
  19. lol @ Clossing threads

    Who these people implying if they were remotely good during BC they will stand a chance in Cata,
  20. Taking over the crown 2

    TwinkInfo getting invaded by these "ghosts of the past" go go kill them