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  1. Unholy DK PvP spec

    Close to what alot of people use with a few tweaks. Works around spending most of your time in Unholy presence. Just looking for peoples views and what changes could be made. Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft Thanks ~Ã￾efiler~
  2. A few questions

    Hey I've never really payed much attention to lvl 1 twinking, but reading through some of the posts it looks epic fun, so I just have a few questions which I hope you guys can answer ^^ What's the main battlegroup/server in EU for lvl 1 twinks? Are there any sites or stickies of guides...
  3. 19 twink rogue

    Ok cheers guys, so firey > lifestealing? Also I will not have any BoA because I cba to make an 80 on another realm :P So basicaly never use +15 agil anymore? EDIT: Just wondering why people think the BWTB is good, I find the proc is very lame, Every run on an instance where I get, say, 1.2k...
  4. 19 twink rogue

    So I decided to make a rogue on Aggramar, and have made aDK just to get a few gold to get started up. I was just wondering how long would it take to farm Shadowfang and while I wait to get one if dual crueal barbs w/ +15 agi is the best option. Thanks ~Ã￾efiler~l
  5. sahdowbolt on my rouge

    troll thread much
  6. Battlegroups

    Haha cheers guys :P
  7. Battlegroups

    Cheers added them both :)
  8. Battlegroups

    I decided on going to Aggramar and starting a DK, getting it to 65 maybe and using the gold for basic stuff on my twink, cheers for the ideas though :) who can I contact on Aggramar about a twink guild? Thanks
  9. Battlegroups

    I suppose but I don't like taking stuff >_< I suppose I could make an old school twink with no BoA EDIT:typos
  10. Battlegroups

    Thanks, not sure how I'm going to make atwink in there with no money or anything :/
  11. Battlegroups

    Hey guys I'm new to all this non-exp bgs, I am on Anachronos (EU) which is the Nightfall battlegroup I believe and am just wondering if there is any 19 bgs popping in this battlegroup and if not, what is the main 19 battlegroup and what bracket is Nightfall? Thanks ~Ã￾efiler~