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  1. Eupitor

    Looking for: WoW's 20th Anniversary, 20-fied

    You can get to shadowlands via scenic portals
  2. Eupitor

    10s in TBC TWing

    Ran Botanica 2 times today with 10 warri with horrible ilvl of 42 no problem didnt see any req Bobadormu vendor in tanaris sells relatively cheap 51 timewarped gear for 25 and 100 for weapons
  3. Eupitor

    Timewalking Question

    Don't know if it's mentioned somewhere already... Did the Headless Horseman thing and the loot i got was the same ilvl as timewarped (56 on lvl 10) So unless its getting nerfed is this the new meta? Or is it only for items from post-11.0.5 content?
  4. Eupitor

    timewarped gear BIS?

    So if regular timewalking week rotations will also be available for us there would definitely be alot of BiS items which would rock the whole meta if they where timewarped
  5. Eupitor

    Legion Class Hall for Lvl10 Monk

    Had a similar problem with my 70 Timerunner Monk on retail yesterday. Order Hall Questline didn't fire - What fixed it was cancelling TWW intro quest. Maybe you must check if doesn't interfere in a similar fashion. Also just created a 10...
  6. Eupitor

    If you had to stick to one class, which would it be?

    Can't leave my hands off arms warrior even if they’re trash on both 10's and 20's by comparison to the other specs Also love warlock
  7. Eupitor

    Did anyone have any luck clearing banked XP from the prepatch?

    Just wait for next level squish :bigbrain:
  8. Eupitor

    DF, did the campaign

    Everybody wanted WoW2... here it is
  9. Eupitor

    What can a high level character unlock in Shadowlands?

    Don't know anything cool except few cosmetics maybe What about stuff for 20's? Threads of Fate is off limits for characters below 50 afaik But are there workarounds to get renown? Would really love to grind for Baron title or something
  10. Eupitor


    Legend by accident
  11. Eupitor

    Free Gametime with the Pre-Patch (Event) ?

    I really hope they let us keep the warbank then. Robbed us of the ability ever opening letters again :FrogeTorch:
  12. Eupitor

    The War Within - Changes to Gear, gems, enchants and pots.

    Hope this feature won't get removed But Remix characters don't have access to warbank right? Could really use some of that sweet gold
  13. Eupitor

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    For those interested: You can currently use the toy to get 3k bronze on a new toon for free (also flightpath unlock as the pandaria Scouting map toy doesn't work on remix) So if you're too cheap to pay for the...
  14. Eupitor

    32 Days Left

    What are you most after likely? There's tons of easy obtainable transmog in the event although i'm not a the biggest fan of the artstyle of that period. Same goes for mounts... Titles i can only think of two that are Remix exclusive. In case you go vet - By simply levelling through the campaign...
  15. Eupitor

    Prevent WoW accounts from linking

    I don't think it's possible. Only barrier i can think of is making seperate EU/US accounts maybe?
  16. Eupitor

    can you go to 70 if SL capped?

    Sorry my bad, i was only talking about my retail characters. Does Remix end exactly that day where prepatch hits? So until then only way to get 70 would be to preorder TWW which includes DF?
  17. Eupitor

    can you go to 70 if SL capped?

    Can't go past 60 level barrier either. Seems whatever they're saying isn't implemente yet
  18. Eupitor

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    My f2p char got stuck at the part I grouped them up with my retail account and killed the guardian but still couldn't loot Were you people able to go past that somehow?
  19. Eupitor

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Same problem here