So I made an Evoker (pre War Within) when i still had a sub, but never played it.
Now that i no longer have a sub and we have access to evokers, i logged in to find all my starter gear at ilvl 206... have i accidentally cooked?
if you just set your dungeon difficulty to heroic when you click on your avatar and then talk to the npc you get into the heroic version of the dungeon
oh ok thank you, i just stumbled upon the vendor in legion dalaran and thought i would share. But that means for pre wotlk classes these vendors are the cheapest option right?
I believe there is a cheaper vendor for northrend epic materials in legion dalaran named Matilda Brightlink selling mail armour which disenchants for the abyssal crystals
Edit: this is only available for mail users
For cloth users there is an npc in legion dalaran named "Cloth merchant" who...