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  1. Sharlindra

    EU Describe the bracket now

    its not about skill > gear its all about random idiot have same stats in greens, no matter how hard i worked to gear my char and this is bullshit
  2. Sharlindra

    EU Describe the bracket now

    totaly broken, no matter what item you have in your item slot, you can equip 10 lvl green legs instead of socketed x3 ones, and stats will be the same, stats are fixed untill you unequip item the only thing is matter in this bracket (pretty sure as everyone else) is you real lvl, to get more...
  3. Sharlindra

    Level 70 Bracket: BRACE YOURSELF! HERES 5.3!

    res is okey for now, but im still gonna wait till they fix healing and dmg while playing my lvl 90 man (yes this is my main, sharlindra is no more).
  4. Sharlindra

    This is just too much... Blizzard is killing twinking

    fotm? haha, stop it please... im one of the biggest fotm haters idiot. Rina just try, stop talking to much there.
  5. Sharlindra

    This is just too much... Blizzard is killing twinking

    have you ever tried 2v1 healers, as i said it above?
  6. Sharlindra

    This is just too much... Blizzard is killing twinking

    have you ever tried to kill rdruid since MOP for example? (feel free for any other healers) edit: even talking about 5.2 (2k exo / WoG crits vs 1500 LB tick per a minute)
  7. Sharlindra

    This is just too much... Blizzard is killing twinking

    you are totaly wrong! cata is gone, all the best lvl 70 times - R.I.P. if i want to kill rdruid in a duel (w/e any healer man!), at first i have to find him irl, kick him in da face by hard, then come back to my wow duel and finish him while he is afk irl. damn even much more, you have to do the...
  8. Sharlindra

    This is just too much... Blizzard is killing twinking

    old 19, 29 (39, but ty for the games) and 60 lvl brackets are totaly dead, 70 is about to, questions? bgs without mounts were so kewl!
  9. Sharlindra

    This is just too much... Blizzard is killing twinking

    they had to worry when they made stop xp bgs only, not just stop xp as it should be. for now it doesnt matter at all, 90% of twink community left twinking.
  10. Sharlindra

    This is just too much... Blizzard is killing twinking

    nice joke, stop xp bgs alredy did it long time ago.
  11. Sharlindra


    good luck dawg. /love
  12. Sharlindra

    5.2, Immortal No More

    funny thing, but i just raped bdk to the ground on my ret in a duel :D as a shaman i play enh only, hate healing shamans as a paladin i liked to play holy when they were fucked up and shit. for now ret only. about the druid - US account, latency, and the same thing as a paly, liked to play in...
  13. Sharlindra

    5.2, Immortal No More

    we are, we are. but we had a very good opportunity to... what now? we just can not, there is nothing to adapt, at all. (notice, im aint talking bout 1500 raiting or noob bgs, im talking about real high raited arena and a very strong pro play bgs without deaths etc. its all about sp, owlkin +...
  14. Sharlindra

    This is just too much... Blizzard is killing twinking

    nah, epic trinket full gear / proff for every spec (+ head enchant), my paladin will stay 70 4ever, just as a good memory. bb all.
  15. Sharlindra

    5.2, Immortal No More

  16. Sharlindra

    This is just too much... Blizzard is killing twinking

    Sharlindra is no more, twinking - RIP.
  17. Sharlindra

    LW leg kit

    the last thing before i drop my tailoring again to get my 75 ap chant updated and skill up tailoring back. i want to see any kind of any real armory proof, please, if any...
  18. Sharlindra

    Enhancement Shaman

    when i was playing rdru / fdk arena (as a druid for sure, and no 71+ lvls or any other shit, even taziks) it was amazing. getting r1 was hard and VERY VERY INTERESTING, there was a reason to play - beat the shit out of all the fuckers mages and the rogues. beating mage / priest / rogue comps to...
  19. Sharlindra

    Enhancement Shaman

    smth like resil stackers nerf and pve abuse buff (only low lvl brackets buff since pve worthless if you are 90, yes trinkets but w/e) and god damnded! this is amazing, isnt it? plus scale 300% hp single flash heals to the ground? WTB ballance bra, all the good times... skilled moonkins? hard to...
  20. Sharlindra

    Wintrade scumbags rejoice (rbg)

    ughly set? nah ty.