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  1. Whitemane Shill

    People are twinking on the new whitemane cata server!

    I never say that video is from a Starter Edition playing in a private server, I say this: "EPIC and available today" available today as my signature say.
  2. Whitemane Shill

    People are twinking on the new whitemane cata server!

    EPIC and available today
  3. Whitemane Shill

    tier list

    I believe that depend of the class.
  4. Whitemane Shill

    I love play Starter Edition one more time in Cataclysm

    I love play Starter Edition one more time in Cataclysm
  5. Whitemane Shill

    People are twinking on the new whitemane cata server!

    Haven't you thought about giving the Starter Edition a try in Cataclysm?
  6. Whitemane Shill

    We need healers for TF in WSG/AB in Starter Edition Cataclysm

    We need healers for TF in WSG/AB in Starter Edition Cataclysm
  7. WoWScrnShot_052123_141246.jpg


    Nada mejor que lo clásico
  8. Whitemane Shill

    20's still a thing?

    The future is back to the "Starter Edition vanilla" that mean, back to Cataclysm, here the queues are instant
  9. Whitemane Shill

    People are twinking on the new whitemane cata server!

    Me playing Starter Edition Cataclysm
  10. Whitemane Shill

    People are twinking on the new whitemane cata server!

    depend of the bracket, I believe 25-29 or superior would be better as you have more posibilities as a DPS class, and not as a support (because in 10-14, 15-19, 20,24 you are more like a support character who make big damage but are unless against range classes for your mobility)
  11. Whitemane Shill

    Where is the option to delete a XPOFF account?

    Information about this is not in the forum, or in the configuration of the user account. How a user can get information about this?
  12. Whitemane Shill

    Where is the option to delete a XPOFF account?

    Where is the non-simple information about how to delete a account if a user want delete his account?
  13. Whitemane Shill

    Where is the option to delete a XPOFF account?

    So this is a service they dont control? who is the real admin of this forum third party company?
  14. Whitemane Shill

    Where is the option to delete a XPOFF account?

    As a curious user, I cant know how delete a account? Or if I want delete my account I cant do it?
  15. Whitemane Shill

    Where is the option to delete a XPOFF account?

    Im not in my right to know how a user can detele his XPOFF account?
  16. Whitemane Shill

    Where is the option to delete a XPOFF account?

    Hello, I want know where or how a user can delete his account and his data/related information.
  17. Whitemane Shill

    People are twinking on the new whitemane cata server!

    The good thing of Whitemane is the low level pvp bracket activity, where literal people love leveling with Battlegrounds
  18. Whitemane Shill

    People are twinking on the new whitemane cata server!

    What game mode are you playing?
  19. Whitemane Shill

    People are twinking on the new whitemane cata server!

    The only problem I see is the monopoly of the violence the twinks have with 85 characters for attack everyone who want the trinket from Gurubashi :HYPERKEKW:
  20. Whitemane Shill

    Comment by 'Whitemane Shill' in media 'Starter Edition Cataclysm 2023'

    That's my Retribution Blood Elf Paladin, waiting the time for farm his Trinket.