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  1. 85 ilvls exploiting ANY BFA M0 dungs(except underrot)

    Cowardly? Perhaps we just respect our bracket on the EU :)
  2. 85 ilvls exploiting ANY BFA M0 dungs(except underrot)

    Maybe others have had a different experience on EU, but I've played alot of BGs since the patch and I haven't seen a single person abusing the ilvl 85s.
  3. 85 ilvls exploiting ANY BFA M0 dungs(except underrot)

    summoned into Korthia perhaps, but on a subbed account?
  4. 85 ilvls exploiting ANY BFA M0 dungs(except underrot)

    I stand corrected then, I picked the one dungeon to test that doesn't work!
  5. 85 ilvls exploiting ANY BFA M0 dungs(except underrot)

    I thought I would test this but thankfully it seems to be fixed, I just tried to be summoned into Mythic Underrot from Korrak's Revenge, but it tells me "you are too low level to enter this location".
  6. 20s EU balance

    oh, so what are the BGs like then? GY farming every fight? I don't see how this is enjoyable if so...
  7. 20s EU balance

    Hi all, I'd like to start a 20 twink but I was just wondering, how is the faction balance in general? Are there mostly a similar number of twinks on each side during EU evenings? I want to roll on the faction which has the fewer twinks. Thanks