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  1. This patch sucks for dungeon soloer

    same with flanking strike lol Flanking Strike damage reduced by 40%. Flanking Strike damage increased by 10%. hm??
  2. Mists of Pandaria Remix

    where exactly do you fish it? anywhere on Pandaria? thanks
  3. Mists of Pandaria Remix

    can you please explain the method to get the mount?
  4. Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Hi sorry if im being dumb but can you explain how is it related to Remix ? can i go to DMF island on Remix ?
  5. Mists of Pandaria Remix

    about your last sentence, can you please explain get what? :D maybe i missed your previous comments.. thanks
  6. I need advice on gearing a level 10 DH (vengeance)

    This is the only method
  7. What did you loot today?=)

    this is some pure dedication. i see your posts from april 2023 and im truly amazed. i tried to get the epic chest on my druid and,got it after 20+- attempts, i almost gave up and thought its lost. it took me 3 days of doing only this. i cant imagine the pain youve been through in order to get...
  8. What did you loot today?=)

    not sure if its many attempts or not but finally ! epic weapon WF + Speed
  9. What did you loot today?=)

    After around 20 attempts of creating and deleting characters..finally !
  10. Survival Hunter stats

    Oh damn ! Just checked my bank and found I have it as a Rare T_T Lol Thanks !!
  11. Survival Hunter stats

    Oh man i would have gladly re-roll , but after 10 days of playtime, so many crafted items from professions, unique pets, full warfoged gear... I'm afraid trying to hit the Tarren Mill belt proc does not worth it now... it also took me like 10 characters until it procced :S More than 90 days have...
  12. Survival Hunter stats

    In addition, I dont know how noticeable it is, but haste makes the focus regen faster, so it sounds really helpful
  13. Survival Hunter stats

    Thanks Paranoia ! Yeah, I knew I did something wrong... lol. Damn :D And again thank you very much ! This is my armory, so following your comment I think I'm pretty decent : Unfortanetly, I'm too invested with play...
  14. Survival Hunter stats

    I am sorry if it has been asked so many times but I really can't find something up to date about Hunter stats prio and especially Survival. If it's the same as level 70, it should be like this as far as I know : Agility > Haste > Critical Strike > Versatility > Mastery Second question, I...
  15. The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory F2P Survival Hunter rip enchants on items
  16. Info about BIS for F2P

    Hey, Is there any info yet about what will be BIS gear for F2P players when dragonflight comes out? Tries to check but didn't find something special. Thanks !
  17. Wierd question about names and Brambleking

    i know :( i just want to have that item and know it has only one chance to drop. i spent on it so much time my brain just cant give up now lol. going for the 11-12th char already damn
  18. Wierd question about names and Brambleking

    yes this is the staff, TBH i dont know what is the spellhance built, but i just want to have it, to know that i have a staff that has only 1 chance to drop, haha
  19. Wierd question about names and Brambleking

    thanks ! i dont really need the staff, i just want to have that "one and done" type of item haha. playing the 9th char for now lmao.. lets hope..
  20. Wierd question about names and Brambleking

    thanks for the answer !