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  1. Will it stay F2P or go Vet?

    Thanks! So there'll be no need to disable exp gains, correct? I'd like for my F2P character to stay 20.
  2. Will it stay F2P or go Vet?

    Hi :) I am playing on an account called WoW1 that is purely F2P. If i make a WoW2 account and buy Shadowlands and game time on that, will my WoW1 become vet?
  3. Prot Pala Gear/Enchant Question

    Hi :) 1) I can't decide on which Legion neck enchant to use. I'm trying to make as tanky a character as possible for BGs. Mark of the Heavy Hide won't benefit me so much, as I am only really taking significant damage from casters. (Btw, is Holy Shield the best PvP talent on the 15 row?) I was...
  4. iLvl 28 BFA BoEs vs TBC Socketed Gear

    Hi there everyone :) I have just begun gearing a pure F2P Paladin, and am wondering about BiS gear... Would it be better (theoretically) to have: 1) Full ilvl 28 BoE gear (farmed in Nazmir) all with a socket rolled and, for instance, + Speed on all pieces 2) All TBC socketed gear (like...
  5. Best places to farm ilvl 28 in nazmir/drustvar?

    Hey, I looked at this thread comparing Nazmir/Drustvar, but nobody seemed to mention the spots they farmed at in Nazmir. I'm on a F2P account, so I don't think I can get to Drustvar to farm the porcupines :( Which are the best areas to farm BoEs in Nazmir? :)