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  1. Blackwood

    Low level Honor Kill counter

    I'm pretty sure this has been asked before, but I can't find the answer. Anyone knows why is the low level bgs honor kill counter bugged? Sometimes it counts the honorable kills normally, but usually it is much lower than the Killing Blows, even 0 after a whole match. Is it going to be fixed...
  2. Blackwood

    In-Game 20s Communities [old]

    Just a little note: Maybe the thread should include which region the community is, I tried to join both on Horde side, but they are US and I'm EU. :) edit: I know you can see it in the link, I was just unaware lol.
  3. Blackwood

    10.0 Predictions/Discussion

    I hope we will get some of the shadowlands content, but I presume covenant abilities will be locked somehow. I really hope most of the current twink gear will still be BiS in 10.0. I don't think there will be better alternatives to BC socket gear, maybe if they nerf them or completely revamp...
  4. Blackwood

    Level 20 Items Sheet UPDATED

    Best resource so far for me! Huge thanks for your work!
  5. Blackwood

    20 Elemental/Resto Shaman - Longspirit -...

    20 Elemental/Resto Shaman - Longspirit -
  6. Blackwood

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS]

    Hey, You can include my Pandaren Shaman if you think, it's not a full twink right now, but will be soon with enchants and if the remaining things drop. I play it since BFA when out of gametime. :)
  7. Blackwood

    PTR Our own Shadowlands Alpha Q&A

    Anyone else excited for DH and DK twinks at 10? :) I'm super excited, the only thing kept me away from twinking a DK is the higher level but now it looks like we get 2 more classes added to our low level brackets!