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  1. Kathil

    70 disc priest?

    I have a 69 disc priest with max engy/inscription. I'm going to move her up to the 70-79 bracket. Should I just go full brutal gear and stay at 70 for the crazy resil scaling, or should I level her up higher than that?
  2. Kathil

    69 Guilds

    How is 69 mage? Do you just get wrecked by DKs?
  3. Kathil

    69 Ele Shaman

    Ah, yeah. I was thinking thunderstorm was 70 for some reason. You'll be good. Fwiw, haste simmed to more dps than sp at 70 in raiding, so it might be better for you since base damage is so high and it also makes you less likely to be kicked.
  4. Kathil

    69 Ele Shaman

    You're going to be a glass cannon anyway without abilities like thunderstorm and without resilience. You might as well stack crit (since your opponents won't have resil either).
  5. Kathil

    The Adventures of Blade

    Hpals are better 1 player healbots than disc priests for sure. Best of luck in your bg adventures!
  6. Kathil

    The Adventures of Blade

    100% lol. Once I get her geared. But I'm on Faerlina, so that might be tough lol
  7. Kathil

    The Adventures of Blade

    Yeah. I'm working on a 69 disc priest. I got inscription and engineering almost maxed before I found out about the spellthread/leg armor thing. I'm not dropping one, leveling tailoring, then releveling one for 5 stam and 10 sp lol
  8. Kathil

    The Adventures of Blade

    Btw, nothing on jormungar leg reinforcements says the enchant will be removed if you are no longer a leatherworker. I know tailors can get the tailoring only spellthread, enchant their pants, then drop tailoring and keep the enchant. I'm thinking leatherworkers can do the same. Notice that the...
  9. Kathil

    69 disc

    Quite a few changes made. For one thing, I discovered the mind amplification dish is not usable on powerheal 4000 goggles because you can't use an "on use" tinker on an item that already has an on use.
  10. Kathil

    quick question on inscription shoulder enchants

    Tailoring only spellthread stays as well.
  11. Kathil

    69 disc Thinking about running this for 69 discipline priest. Any thoughts, critiques, obvious improvements?
  12. Kathil

    Profession Bonus Chart

    The inscription math is all wrong because it's showing the differences between inscription only shoulder enchants, which are available to 69 twinks, and sons of hodir exalted shoulder enchants, which are not available to 69 twinks. To get accurate numbers, you have to show them vs scryer/aldor...
  13. Kathil

    60s and 69s in Wrath

    I'll be playing on a 69 disc priest. I love fire mages too, and I have experience with them (and disc) at 39 and 49, so I may level a fire mage eventually as well. But everyone loves/needs more heals, so yep.
  14. Kathil

    Bis professions

    Nice numbers.
  15. Kathil

    Bis professions

    So, what's better? Show numbers.
  16. Kathil

    Bis professions

    Yeah, I mean if you value stam, haste, or something like that over raw ap and crit, JC is still nice. And some of the JC trinkets are good, though I haven't specifically looked for either JC trinkets or inscription offhands for the 60-69 bracket. I never said JC was bad; I only said...
  17. Kathil

    Bis professions

    You didn't list it correctly. Inscription shoulder enchant gives you +90 AP and 15 crit over ZG shoulder enchant. JC gives +84 AP. So inscription is 6 AP and 15 crit ahead of JC for 69s.
  18. Kathil

    Bis professions

    Engineering goes without saying. It's engy/inscription. Blackberry, go ahead and figure out how much extra AP JC gives you and then figure out how much extra AP inscription gives you at level 69. I'll wait.
  19. Kathil

    Bis professions

    This is probably obvious, but bis professions are engineering and inscription. Inscription takes you from a lvl 60 shoulder enchant to the Inscription only, substantially better than sons of hodir game bis shoulder enchant.
  20. Kathil

    60s and 69s in Wrath

    The boost will be to 70, not 68. That's already been stated. And yeah, I have a 68 disc priest I'm gonna twink at 69.