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  1. Deluxe expansion lvl 40 mount rumors

    Not exactly like R11 at 59 since that was a 100% speed mount when others were on 60%. Not really a game changer at all. How is everyone having a 100% mount that much different from everyone having a 60%?
  2. EU WTS.... lots

    Good lord
  3. 29s Classic: Lobby Blizzard about Windstorm Hammer

    Or since everyone will be in the same boat (unlike OG TBC where some had it) just get another wep and move on with life ;-P
  4. Rogue Race

    This! How did so many people respond without addressing the elephant??? I suggest a neutral location for this race. Desolace desert run?
  5. Sick of 1 button? SHADOWLANDS 19s NEW ERA

    My point is that 19s often play due to the simplicity of characters which creates nuanced and challenging play based on a limited spell set. People playing 49s which have a fully baked toolkit and complex gearing options would be the people more likely to be interested in Shadowlands 19s.
  6. Sick of 1 button? SHADOWLANDS 19s NEW ERA

    So, should this be posted in 49s which is the equivalent?
  7. Places to stand.

    For ZF there are multiple reset spots you can mount run to starting as low as 42 that would allow looting bosses if you can learn to get to zombies. Look up Mage ZF farm by Arleus on YouTube.
  8. Im not entirely convinced that this exists...

    It’s not that they are so rare but that no one runs BFD. I was having trouble getting one so farmed it on my Druid for a week or so. Got two to drop along with a few Friar Staffs. Not saying you will be so lucky but can do that if nothing else.
  9. A very lucky fishing hat today in STV

    Man. I have been fishing since it started without a green. Guess there is hope.

    Love your avatar. Watching the latest season right now.
  11. New 59 Warlock Project - Would Love Feedback

    Don’t think that’s an edible sig. 4400 unbuffed hp and that much spellpower. Will you ever die? Scary at 59. Cheers!
  12. Rogue enchant +8 agi or +100 hp?

    That’s what she said?
  13. Help decide/need advice.

    You probably would need support. As you gear up though you could start tanking some but may level pretty quickly. 59 gearing can be tough.
  14. 49 or 59?

    59 queue is much faster and you can mess around in AV while leveling. Unless things have changed, 49s didn’t seem super active compared to 59. Stopped a few weeks at 49 and couldn’t stand the queue.
  15. Help decide/need advice.

    Not sure I’d say mage is best overall at 59 but are good in general at every bracket. If you like hunter they are pretty solid at 59. You can basically blow people up with decent survivability. SP hit hard but tend to get focused since people focus priests in general. Warrior is a wrecking...
  16. 59s home?

    Most likely jumping over to Benediction with my guild. Let me know if you guys end up over there by chance.
  17. Feral Twink worth it?

    Can keep up with the FC but do little to hurt them. Honestly feral isn’t particularly viable at any bracket. You give up so much utility and usefulness for a mediocre damage increase.
  18. Can you buy 58 Pvp Gear at 59?

    Best off pieces are ZG, BRD, ST, etc. Typically twinks in 59 don’t use pvp gear for the most part.
  19. New 59 Warlock Project - Would Love Feedback

    Both are very strong. Go with whatever play style you like. SPs are more straight forward and can heal obviously. I feel like they get focused more though. Really just depends what you like. I wouldn’t worry about which is stronger. There are definitely more SPs than locks running around if...