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  1. 19 Hunter, The "Int" Build.

    Is this guide still good?
  2. Hunter Help

    Thanks. Quick question, that shoulder enchant doesn't work right?
  3. Hunter Help

    A quick side question, do people still roll with rumsy rum or did they nerf that too?
  4. Hunter Help

    Well I'm not really inexperienced, but are you saying to avoid Careful Aim and just go 2 in imp cc 3 in lethal shots and 5/5 in mortal? EDIT: This is assuming I have good gear, obviously Careful Aim scales with gear.
  5. Hunter Help

    Okay for spec I'm thinking Imp Concussive Shot 2/2, Lethal Shots 5/5 and Careful Aim 3/3. Or should I just put 3 points in Lethal Shots and and put 2 in Mortal Shots?
  6. Hunter Help

    Okay so int is best? Why? Do hunters run oom easily at this level? I had a 29 hunter before and I never had any problems. EDIT: Just as an example, which of these is best? Tumultuous Cloak ...of Stamina (10.4% chance) +8 Stamina ...of the Bandit (11.6% chance) +4...
  7. Hunter Help

    So I should just go for agility / stam?
  8. Hunter Help

    Bump, can someone please tell me quick if resilience is worth it at level 19, I already bought some items and I only have like an hour to return them, thanks!
  9. Hunter Help

    Orc Hunter on Arthas named 'David'
  10. Hunter Help

    Hi, I am making a 19 hunter twink. I haven't twinked since Burning Crusade, my account has been hacked since then so I'm starting fresh. I do have an 80, but I am having trouble with some of the BoA gear. Should I be getting the resilience stuff? Does it make a difference at 19? Should I get the...