Search results

  1. 20-29 - I am looking for twink premades to play against

    Greetings everyone, My name is Berlune. I am an alliance rogue on fairbanks. I made my first twink before battlegrounds were released in classic and I have been twinking since BC. This is always something I have enjoyed and we are very close to having consistent premade groups against each...
  2. 19 Classic Guild Directory

    <Silverwing Sentinels> Faction: Alliance Server: Fairbanks US Recruiting: All classes for all brackets to fill multiple 10 man groups GM: Tweekshot, Afkhealbot, Dottvader, Berlune (these are all of my toons)
  3. How's Your Classic Twink Progress?

    So my twinking journey started with a 29 rogue (rogues are overrated and not as good as people think) I had a ton of fun until i made a 29 hunter and oh my goodness if I didnt feel the power shift when i started playing hunter. I can carry games a lot easier. Im about to ding 39 on my warlock...